

啊哈哈哈呦 啊哈哈哈呦
  • 柔情心扉 柔情心扉

    life of the party
    show your enemy that you get down with the best of‘em.
    th** ** earned in chapter 10.
    at the start of the m**sion you will clear the hotel plaza of enemies and make a left into a storage room with 3 enemies.kill them and head to back-left of the room to find a wooden bust.pick it up.now,after planting all the charges later in the m**sion,head through the door until you hit the checkpoint timer.instead of going up the stairs head to the right to find a dead end.place the bust on the center wall to open the hidden door and head in.go all the way down to the dance floor and walk up to the middle to receive an on-screen prompt to dance.hit it and watch your character do the whole dance to earn the trophy.
    blast from the past
    find an homage to what has come before…
    th** ** earned in the final hvt m**sion against scorpion.
    at the start of the m**sion exit the building and follow the arrow.you will pass through a long hallway and exit into a bazaar of sorts.to your left will be a fruit stand.from here make a left into another building.make another left and than one immediate left into a room with an orange glow.you should see a table with a dinner of sorts set up to your right.walk over and interact with it to earn the trophy.

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