

六诫 六诫
  • 小先生 小先生

    adam and joseph were talking about their families.
    adam said,"my grandfather was a very good conductor before he died
    was he a musician?joseph asked.
    no,"said adam,"he was struck by lightning.
    the b**hop spoke to the congregation about the shortage of priests and nuns.
    too many of you are only h**ing one child and letting them go off into other professions.i propose that each family should h**e three children:one for the father,one for mother and one for the church.
    a few days later,the b**hop was out shopping when he saw a pregnant woman from h** par**h.but before he could say hello,she shouted above the crowd,"th** one ** yours,b**hop!有一个主教对他的会众说及,神父和修女的短缺。他说:「你们当中太多人只生一个孩子,并让他们从事其他行业。我建议每个家庭应有三个孩子,一个为著爸爸,一个为著妈妈,一个为著教会。几天后,主教外出购物,并看到一个他教区的孕妇,在他向她问安之先,她当众大声地说:「主教,这个孩子是你的!1)a little girl was talking to her teacher about whales.the teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though a whale ** a very large mammal,its throat ** very small.
    the little girl stated that jonah was swallowed by a whale.the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human,it was impossible.
    the little girl said,*when i get to he**en i will ask jonah*.
    the teacher asked,*what if jonah went to hell?the little girl replied,*then you ask him!2)a student comes to a young professor*s office hours.she glances down the hall,closes h** door,and kneels pleadingly.*i would do anything to pass th** exam,
    she says.she leans closer to him,flips back her hair,and gazes meaningfully into h** eyes.*i mean,*she wh**pers,*i would do anything.
    he returns her gaze,*anything?anything.*h** voice softens,*anything?anything,*she repeats again.h** voice turns to a wh**per.*would you.study?




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