
李鲤 李鲤
  • 一直 一直

    法证先锋3的第11集酒吧里的英文插曲叫《talk to me》
    歌名:talk to me(sub theme song in moonlight resonance)
    talk to me
    speak with me
    don't sink before you r**e,baby
    don't fade away
    you hesitate
    you seem to wait
    for all the time we had
    feels like a world away
    who's to say,well be okay
    we will make it through the night
    don't want to wake up in th** state
    i just want us both to smile
    cause were the same
    and i know that will never change
    look,i bought your f**orite ice cream
    i don't want to see it melt away
    if you walk out now
    i don't know if we could be the same
    baby,just talk with me
    cause i want you to stay here with me
    the memories
    the things we did
    i locked inside my heart
    where i know i won't forget
    and now,who's to say,well be okay
    we will make it through the night
    don't want to wake up in th** state
    i just want us both to smile
    cause were the same
    and i know that will never change
    look,i bought your f**orite ice cream
    i don't want to see it melt away
    if you walk out now
    i don't know if we could be the same
    baby,just talk with me
    cause i want you to stay here with me
    i want you to stay here with me




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