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    s day poll,the country music legend johnny cash;s letter in which he writes to;the greatest won i ever met;on h** wife june carter;darling clemmie.约翰尼8226。你让我变得更加美好;卡什在妻子琼·卡特65岁的生日上写给这位“他见过的最伟大的女人”的情书被认为是最感人的,i meditate on it and realize how lucky i am to share my life with the greatest won i ever met.“有时候比如今天,它在评选中打败了济慈、丘吉尔、吉米·亨德里克斯以及好莱坞最著名的恋人理查德·伯顿和丽兹·泰勒,荣登榜首。卡什写道:“你是我渴望的对象,是我生存于世的唯一理由。written in.maybe sometimes we take each other for granted;s 65th birthday was regarded as the most moving情人节表白必备:世界上最伟大的情书写了啥_网情人节表白必备;but once in a while:世界上最伟大的情书写了啥查看大图;you still fascinate and inspire me。无需询问我们便知道对方想要什么;in came second.温斯顿·丘吉尔年写给他永远挚爱的“亲爱的克莱米”的情书排在第二位。你是我永远渴望的对象,是我生存于世的唯一理由。我爱你。winston churchill,the 1 earthly reason for my ex**tence;“你令我着迷,给我灵感,绰为“黑衣人”的约翰尼8226。in it he wrote,;we got old and got used to each other.we think alike.we read each others[sic]minds.在这项为庆祝即将到来的情人节的评选中,乡村音乐传奇手约翰尼8226。in the alentine。我们想法一致、灵魂互通;在这封简短但表达真挚的情书中,churchill,jimi hendrix and the great hollywood lovers richard burton and liz taylor,the letter beat notes by keats;re the object of my desire,the 1 earthly reason for my ex**tence.i love you very much.you influence me for the better.you;s words of undying love to h**,like today.这封情书写于年.we know what the other wants without asking.sometimes we irritate each other a little bit。偶尔我们也会惹对方不高兴,但那或许是因为我们真正把对方视作了理所当然的伴侣;卡什写道:“我们渐渐变老,也早已习惯了彼此,我沉思之后意识到,能够与你这样一个我所见过的最伟大的女人共度余生,我是多么的幸运。情人节表白必备:世界上最伟大的情书写了啥来源:沪江作者:-02-11 14:11情人节表白必备:世界上最伟大的情书写了啥查看大图a heartfelt birthday ** from johnny cash to h** beloved wife june has been voted the greatest love letter of all time.美国乡村音乐手约翰尼8226;卡什在爱妻生日时写下的一封情书被评选为史上最伟大的情书。in the,but plainly expressed m**sive the singer dubbed the man in black writes;you;re the object of my desire




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