

苏达人 苏达人
  • 西洋仔犹 西洋仔犹

    it's funny how you think you really know yourself
    like you would never lose yourself to someone else
    and i was up to thinking it was all about you and me
    silly silly me
    i should h**e never l**tened to a word you said
    but i was always giving in to prom**es
    i never should h**e gone for
    i should never long for you no matter how hard it gets
    and i want th** to be over
    i so want th** to be through
    in the end somehow it always comes back to you
    cause everywhere i go
    no matter what i do boy
    i just can't get you out of my head
    so it annoys me
    (you wasn't man enough)
    to come and tell me
    (that i was never the one)
    like you said i was
    (you could h**e told someone)
    you knew you didn't love me anymore
    if you had only told me how you really felt
    i could h**e put my feelings into someone else
    but i was busy thinkin' i was where i to was besupposed
    silly silly me
    but there was something 'bout you that i couldn't res**t
    can't put my finger on it but whatever it **
    i never should h**e stood for it
    know i you're no good for me
    and that's the way it **
    and i want it to be over
    i so want it to be through
    in the end somehow it always comes back to you
    cause everywhere i go(cause everywhere i go)
    no matter what i do boy
    i just can't get you out of my head
    so it annoys me
    (you wasn't man enough)
    to come and tell me
    (that i was never the one)
    like you said i was
    (you could h**e told someone)
    you knew you didn't love me anymore
    i tell myself
    get over you
    it's over right
    right thing to do
    and just when i thought i was done
    you pull me in for another run
    i can't take th**
    i won't take th**
    i can't do th**
    i won't do it
    even if i know in the end somehow
    it always comes back to you
    cause everywhere i go
    no matter what i do boy
    i just can't get you out of my head
    so it annoys me
    (you wasn't man enough)
    to come and tell me
    (that i was never the one)
    like you said i was
    (you could h**e told someone)
    you knew you didn't love me anymore
    cause everywhere i go
    no matter what i do boy
    i just can't get you out of my head
    so it annoys me
    (you wasn't man enough)
    to come and tell me
    (that i was never the one)
    like you said i was
    (you could h**e told someone)
    you knew you didn't love me anymore

  • 英雄无敌手游实**练4通关攻略 实**练4怎么通关

    提问时间:2024-04-29 16:56:34


  • 真实犯罪纽约城怎样玩

    提问时间:2024-04-29 11:49:17

    什么叫怎样玩.你是不是想问怎么过训练关卡?w a s d 分别是前后左右鼠标滚轮可以切换你的武器(刚开始还不行)小键盘里面按7是出轻拳 按9是出重拳你在**考试...

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  • 英雄无敌手游实**练4怎么过 实**练4攻略

    提问时间:2024-04-29 05:00:40


  • 真实犯罪纽约城怎么改分辨率啊,我一按开始没有那个框

    提问时间:2024-04-29 09:00:43

    你如果点了don~t show th** again 就不会出来了想设置的话在游戏里的opions选项里设置就行了向左转|向右转

  • 犯罪现场调查纽约篇的剧情简介

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  • 英雄无敌手游实**练2怎么过 英雄无敌手游实**练2攻略

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  • 侠盗猎车6 纽约侠盗 怎么过关

    提问时间:2024-04-29 01:24:25

    有的 不是盗版 那里面可以买车 也有**的星级第一个柱子按7来打碎他第二个柱子按9来打碎他第三个柱子79一起按打碎他第四个按住shift再按9打碎他然后空格是翻

  • 真实犯罪纽约城 训练章 射击第二关 怎么过

    提问时间:2024-04-29 01:56:05





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