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    original airdate(nbc):25-sep-2006
    written by tim kring
    directed by d**id semel
    do not archive/post/use th** transcript without perm**sion!transcript:
    (fade in:the earth ** shown in orbit.as it ** rotating,an eclipse occurs and"heroes"appears on the screen.)
    (close-up of peter petrelli.the camera pans out to show him standing on the edge of a building in new york city.)
    mohinder suresh:(v.o.)where does it come from?th** quest?th** need to solve life's mysteries though the simplest of questions can never be answered.why are we here?what ** the soul?why do we dream?perhaps we'd be better off not looking at all.that's not human nature.not the human heart.that ** not why we are here.
    (peter closes h** eyes,stretches h** arms,and steps off the building.he begins to fall,but the camera takes on h** view and it ** assumed he ** flying.)
    (cut to:peter awakes suddenly to simone deveaux opening a set of curtains and letting light spill through the room.he ** sitting in a chair wearing scrubs.)
    simone:how's he doing?i'm sorry,did i scare you?peter:no.no,i,uh,i just keep h**ing these amazing dreams every time i close my eyes,and.never mind,um.(standing)he likes me to read him the stock page.
    simone:has he been conscious at all?peter:no.it's been a week now,i think he's close.a couple days,maybe.
    (the camera shows an elderly man lying,unconscious,in a bed,with several tubes attached to h** body.)
    simone:you know,i don't know what he'd do without you.you've got a real gift.
    peter:just doing my job.
    simone:no.you're like a son to him.
    peter:well,then,that would make us like brother and s**ter.might be a little awkward if i ever wanted to ask you out.(chuckling)i'm sorry.that was,uh,that was inappropriate.
    simone:no,it's-it's sweet.it's.i'm dating somebody.
    peter:yeah,no,really.it's.okay.(pausing)i need to change h** iv.
    simone:i'm sorry.
    simone:of course.
    (cut to:madras,india.3 days before peter's dream.mohinder suresh ** standing in front of a map,giving a lecture to a small group of students in he**ily accented engl**h.)
    mohinder:man ** a narc**s**tic species by nature.we h**e colonized the four corners of our tiny planet.but we are not the pinnacle of so-called evolution.(walking amongst the class)that honor belongs to the lowly cockroach.capable of living for months without food.remaining alive,headless,for weeks at a time.res**tant to radiation.if god has indeed created himself in h** own image.then i submit to you,that god.** a cockroach.(there ** scattered laughter among the students)they say that man uses only a tenth of h** brain power.another percent,and we might actually be worthy of god's image.unless,of course,that day has already arrived.(pausing)the human genome project has d**covered that tiny variations in man's genetic code are taking place at increasingly rapid rates.teleportation,levitation,t**sue regeneration.** th** outside the realm of possibility?(he becomes excited)or ** man entering a new gateway to evolution?** he finally standing at the threshold to true human potential?

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