
lol 蒙多

茗岸 茗岸
  • 喵喵喵 喵喵喵

    the endless reploid rebellions contine.
    humans,however,h**e begun migrations to the moon,thanks to new technology.
    th** plan ** called the“jakob project,”and an orbital elevator was built as part of it.
    highly advanced new generation reploids h**e been brought to the moon’s surface to work.
    there has been an accident on board the no.4 descending container.all personnel
    x:th** ** x.i’ve encountered an accident while on patrol of the orbital elevator
    d**patch rescue mechaniloids immediately.
    x:si…sigma!lumine:to protect ourselves from damage during the accident
    we had to copy a sturdy sigma body.
    we new generation reploids enjoy complete and total immunity all viruses
    so even copying something as dangerous as sigma provides on r**k.
    x:who are you?lumine:i’m lumine.
    i’m the director in charge of the elevator,and of the jakob project.
    alia:i’m picking up m**erick readings near the jakob facility!all hunters near point galapagos,please d**patch immediately!x:roger!noah’s park
    alia:x th** new m**erick it’s pattern veryunusual.
    i’d like todo come research on it,so try to pick up plenty of samples.
    x:got it.
    ok axl,let’s get going!axl:ready when you are,x.
    alia:when you need axl’s help call him in with a character change.
    axl:better watch out,x.
    i might just steal your spotlight.
    alia:you two be careful.i’ll send zero over later to give you a hand.
    alia:x,axl!i’ve examined the data on that m**erick.
    looks like it grabs its opponents and immobilizes them.
    if you’re grabbed by the enemy,call for a tag ass**t and help ** on the way!3
    x:alia i got a sample of that m**erick for you.
    alia:i’d like to start analyzing it right away.
    bring it to ma as soon as you can!x:roger.i’m on my way.
    axl,i’m counting on you to clean up here.
    axl:no problem,x!th**’ll be a snap
    zero:axl,pick up the pace!th** ** no time to slack off!axl:you show up late and h**e the nerve to complain?i can then handle a few m**ericks all by myself anyway.
    zero:that’s the spirit!let’s move.
    alia:now,you tow!the attack gauge ** full!you can use the double attack!it’s an ultra-powerful combo!time ** carefully!5
    axl:ha!piece of cake!snagged a sample from that m**erick,too!zero:nice work!now,take it and head back,axl.
    axl:ok!i’ll le**e the rest up to you.
    x:sorry to keep you waiting,zero.
    how’ve you been holding up?zero:barely broke a sweat…
    c’mon!let’s go!7
    alia:x,zero can you hear me?that m**erick’s signal ** getting really close now.
    according to my analys**,the double attack should work best on th** m**erick.
    when the attack gauge ** full,use the double attack!8
    vile:how nice to see you again,x!x:vile!zero:he used to be a class a hunter,but now he’s our sworn enemy!he’s a m**erick and a wanted criminal.
    vile:i’d love to stay and play,boys.
    but i’m afraid i h**e too much work to do!x:lumine?vile:that’s** orbital elevator ** under our control now.
    x:just what do you plan to do?vile:it begins now,x.a new world will be born!ha ha ha ha,ha ha ha…
    alia:they’re after lumine,the director of the facility.
    if that’s the case…
    then the ultimate goal must be control of the orbital elevator!x:i don’t know what the deal **,but vile kept talking about some new world beginning.
    alia:they must be up to something big…
    oh!alia:i’m picking up a m**erick reading!r&d lab.
    pallette:hello,everyone.welcome to the laboratory.
    th** ** where you can s**e your progress and develop chips.
    pallette:welcome back!the rare metal you found has been made into new chip.
    rare metals contain powerful properties that are perfect for chip making.
    if you manage to find a rare metal,be sure to bring it to the lab as soon as you can.
    alia:let me introduce your now n**igators…
    layer:nice to meet you, name ** layer.
    my specialty ** analyzing enemy abilities.
    i hope i can be of use.
    pallette:hi!i’m pallette.i’m good at analyzing routes through stages.
    alia:i don’t suppose i need to say it,but i – alia – will also ass**t in n**igation.
    before you head into battle,be sure to choose a n**iagator to ass**t you.
    of course,if you’re feeling confident,you can always choose to go it solo.
    x:darn!alia:x!what’s the matter?the m**sion’s only just begun.
    x:that’s’s begun long must th** war go on?alia:…
    axl:just the thought of wiping the floor with those m**ericks makes my trigger finger itch!alia:axl!x:no,alia…axl’s right.
    there’s no time to be w**hy-washy here.
    even as we speak,m**ericks are causing h**oc.
    layer:great job,zero.
    pallette:zero!h**e you forgotten already?i’m** here ** layer.
    we’re the new n**igators here.don’t forget about us!layer wanted to talk to you and waited here the whole time for your return.
    right,layer?zero:oh,sorry.anyway,what ** it,layer?layer:um…i did some research,but i’m unable to determine lumine’s location.
    um…anyway…that’s all.
    zero:hmm.well,no matter what the m**ericks are up to,looks like i’ll h**e to stop’em.
    alia:phew…that’s the third one.
    but we still don’t know what the m**eriks are up to.
    pallette:we still h**en’t determined exactly why the new generation reploids are going m**erik.
    layer:i’m running simulators right now,but it looks like their virus res**tance ** absolute.
    axl:yeah.i’m a now generation prototype and i can confirm that.i’m immune myself.
    pallette:but if axl’s a prototype,then that means he could go m**erick,too…
    but maybe since he’s a prototype,he’ll be ok.
    let’s analyze h** data to be sure.
    axl:what?hey!i’m no m**erick!heck i’m a m**erick hunter!alia:i’ve completed the analys** of the m**erick data accumulated so far.
    what makes new generation reploids res**tant to viruses ** their copy chip.
    the copy chip can actually change a reploid’s dna.
    axl:did you examine my data?alia:yes,i compared your data to the copy chips in new generation reploids.
    i found something very interesting.
    x:sigma!alia:the data embedded in the copy ships closely resembles that of sigma!i’m not exactly sure what th** means,but i’d be lying if i said it didn’t worry me…
    x:sigma…i’ve suspected as much ever since vile showed up.
    alia:whoever’s behind it’they were most certainly after lumine and the orbital elevator.
    there are some dark forces at work behind the scenes here.
    i’ll continue my analys**.
    x:i hope you uncover something.
    by the way,i noticed a reploid copying sigma’s body back at the orbital elevator.
    could that be connected in some way to them going m**erick?alia:i doubt it.theoretically there’s no danger in copying others’bodies.
    x,you’ve fought sigma bodies before,so you know how tough their design **.
    x:i suppose all i can do now ** continue taking care of the m**ericks and collecting data.
    layer:good work out there,x.




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