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北北爱囡囡 北北爱囡囡
  • 我要你 我要你

    john mayer-no such thing 约翰梅尔—没这回事
    welcome to the real world",she said to me 她对我说:”欢迎来到真实世界”。condescendingly 谦卑的找个位置坐下吧
    take a seat
    take your life 开始你的生活吧
    plot it out in black and white 生活分为白天和黑夜
    well i never lived the dreams of the prom kings 然而我从来没有体会过像舞会国王
    and the drama queens 和戏剧女王的梦想的那样的生活
    i'd like to think the best of me 我倾向于相信最好的我
    ** still hiding up my sleeve 还隐藏着
    they love to tell you 他们喜欢告诉你
    stay inside the lines 停留在**以内
    but something's better 但是有一些更好的东西
    on the other side 却在那**之外
    i wanna run through the halls of my high school 我想跑着穿过高中时候的礼堂
    i wanna scream at the 我想尽力尖叫
    top of my lungs
    i just found out there's no such thing as the real world 却只发现在真实的世界里是不能这样做的
    just a lie you've got to r**e above 你只得到了一个谎言去生活
    so the good boys and girls take the so called right track 因此好男孩和好女孩走上了所谓的正道
    faded white hats 他们戴着褪色的白帽子
    grabbing credits 手里抓着**
    maybe transfers 或者转校单
    they read all the books but they can't find the answers 他们读了所有的书但仍然找不到答案
    and all of our parents 我们的父母
    they're getting older 正变得越来越老
    i wonder if they've w**hed for anything better 我怀疑他们是否期盼过更好的事情
    while in their memories 然而在他们的记忆里
    tiny tragedies 全是微不足道的悲剧
    they love to tell you 他们喜欢告诉你
    stay inside the lines 停留在**以内
    but something's better on the other side 但是有更好的东西,在那**以外
    i wanna run through the halls of my high school 我想跑着穿过高中时候的礼堂
    i wanna scream at the 我想尽力尖叫
    top of my lungs
    i am invincible 我是不会屈服的
    i just found out there's no such thing as the real world 却只发现在真实的世界里没这回事
    i am invincible 我是不会屈服的
    just a lie you've got to r**e above 你只得到一个谎言去生活
    i am invincible 我是不会屈服的
    as long as i'm alive 只要我还活着
    i wanna run through the halls of my high school 我想跑着穿过高中时候的礼堂
    i wanna scream at the 我想尽力尖叫
    top of my lungs
    i just found out there's no such thing as the real world 却只发现在真实的世界里没这回事
    just a lie you've got to r**e above 你只得到了一个谎言去继续生活
    i just can't wait til my 10 year reunion 我只是迫不及待希望10年后的我
    i'm gonna bust down the double doors 将拆下这两扇门
    and when i stand on these tables before you 当我站在这些桌子上,站在你面前
    you will know what all th** time was for你将会知道这所有的时间是为了。大爱这首歌,很具反叛和质疑之声,参考下吧




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