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    展开全部"for those of a certain age who loved adventure game books,it’s the perfect app to play and one that players will find themselves returning to.not least because they’ll h**e to be pretty skilled to‘win’!4 out of 5 stars-jennifer allen,148 apps.com
    i've been h**ing a blast with th** since it's essentially gameifies what runs through my head whenever i read or watch a piece of zombie content,but it's also solid production-w**e.i heartily recommend th** to anyone that still has an itch for zombies,or even an appreciation of primarily text-based titles.
    4/5 stars-brad nicholson,toucharcade
    zday ** a 21st century text-based simulator game that puts you the player in tough,real-world situations.the game play ** easy and you can soon control it well.
    4/5 stars-top10app.com
    4/5 stars"-dan zuccarelli,gamezebo.com
    what better way to survive a full blown apocalypse than to practice?th** ** not a traditional shooter or an arcade style game where you poke buttons to shoot digital bullets at virtual zombies.zday ** a 21st century text-based simulator that puts you the player in tough,real-world situations and says"what would you do?.
    beautifully illustrated by renowned dc comics art**t matt haley,zday ** an intelligent adventure game that starts you in a crowded suburb at ground zero of a full blown infection,and says"what would you do?.faced with one scenario after another,the player has to make choices that will either lead him to escape the zombie-filled suburbs or per**h like so many others.the soph**ticated game engine keeps track of every dec**ion that you make,and keeps a running tab on your survival probability based on the choices you make.
    so keep your wits about you,and choose carefully,because one wrong move could h**e you facing a zombie horde or roving bands of trigger-happy looters.
    the detailed results given after the player has completed the challenge provides very useful insight to what he may h**e done right and wrong.if the player wants to try again he can,and since the game engine reshuffles many of the exact events,zday survival simulator ** never exactly the same twice.
    zday survival simulator ** soon going to be posting free updates to expand the content and experience,but be warned,they won't get any easier.




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