
曾许诺55 曾许诺55
  • 大大超人 大大超人

    1)today,i feel stair very dirty,i want to do good deeds.i said to her
    mother,"i want to clean sweep on the first floor,has been stair."mother
    agreed.so i took the broom began to clean the stair,from my house to the fifth
    floor downward all saul to the first floor.i think has swept very clean,but
    also esau ** fast,but i was not a bit tired.i clean after me good,he went to
    the 4th floor old woman's house.
    i can do th** thing,a s**ory pra**ed me,i
    was very
    ha,when i get up,it was time for lunch.but i really h**e a lot of work to do,
    i must write words dairy,then learned“li yang”engl**h,then….oh,
    my god,if i do it in the afternoon,i will ready to dead.so i wrote words,now
    i’m writing my dairy.w**h i could fin**h these works today.
    happy i am.yesterday i fin**hed all the work very quick,so i h**e a lot of
    time to do myself.sometimes fin**h work early ** a good thing,we can h**e interests to do the next work.because of th**,i write dairy eight in
    the morning.but i wrote it in the evening in the pass day.everyone,if you can
    fin**h the work quickly,not lazy,try your
    had a good time last weekend.on sunday morning,i stayed at home and did my
    homework.the homework wasn’t difficult.after that,i played volleyball with my
    friends.it was tired,but very exciting.in the afternoon,i cooked dinner for
    my parents.it was a little difficult,i think.after dinner,i went to swim in
    the river.i can swim very well.i had a relaxing weekend.
    holiday ** my best busy holiday for i am learning computer word i fall
    in the weekend exam.many times i want to take today off,my mother said to
    me:“go on,you must belive that you can do it.”so i h**e to try.now my ** better than 2months ago.i must thanks my mother,she ** good for me.
    practices makes
    morning i had a funny look into the matter.a dog in the ice dancing"ballet.
    the dog dancing on the ice to slide to slide,and accidentally hit the slide.
    open limbs,good or funny.may be unexpected happened,it carefully stood up!forelegs,but a slip back a gouchi shi.ridiculous,it ** a very
    interesting thing happened on yesterday.at night,when i was sleepping,i dreamed
    i sleeping on a dog's body,and the dog suddenly jumping up and shouting at me,he
    said:"i want to eat you,you smell very delicious!then i ran away quickly."ling
    ling ling!a big sound was happened,i woke up quickly,then,i thought,where i
    am?oh,that ** my dream,just a
    h**e rested for a week.i began to feel bored.so i went out with my friends.
    they are my best friends in the middle school.we didn’t go to someplace
    special.we just saw the other.we had lunch together.while we were h**ing
    lunch,we were still talking about the new school and new friends.yes!a year
    later,we h**e grown riper.and we learned much things and got new life.we
    h**en’t enough time to play,to waste and to lose the way.we only h**e two
    years.two years to go,we will get the real life which belongs to us.
    9)it was the first day of our winter holiday.all of us were very
    happy.why?because we h**e one months to do things we love to do.we are free.
    although we h**e some homework.but we can fin**h them in several days.and the
    rest time we can make good use of.my god!we h**e been very tired after hard
    studying.in winter holidays,i want to h**e full sleep and eat good food in
    order to replen**h myself.last but not the least,i will h**e a good rest.
    10)the screen of my father’s mobile telephone ** broken.when you
    open the mobile telephone,the screen ** always white with light.you can’t see
    from the screen.and my father ** a businessman.he needed a new one.so my
    father and i went to the electrical appliance shop.there are many new kinds of
    mobile telephones.at first,my father chose a sumsung one.but all the
    telephones h**e sold out.finally,my father chose a motorola one.

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