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  • 小狐狸Diane 小狐狸Diane

    version 4.00 begin vb.form form1 caption="sample"clientheight=705 clientleft=3915 clienttop=3315 clientwidth=1800 controlbox=0'false height=1110 left=3855 linktopic="form1"maxbutton=0 'false minbutton=0 'false scaleheight=705 scalewidth=1800 top=2970 width=1920 begin vb.commandbutton command1 caption="command1"height=495 left=240 tabindex=0 top=120 width=1215 end end attribute vb_name="form1"attribute vb_creatable=false attribute vb_exposed=false sub fileencodeanddecode(inputfile as string,outputfile as string,passwordkey as string)dim temp as single dim char as string*1 dim xormask as single dim temp1 as integer open inputfile for binary as#1 open outputfile for binary as#2 for x=1 to len(passwordkey)temp=asc(mid$(passwordkey,x,1))for y=1 to temp temp1=rnd next y ' re-seed to throw off prying eyes randomize temp1 next x counter=0 for z=1 to filelen(inputfile)'generate random mask xormask=int(rnd*256)'get the char&change it get 1,char char=chr$((asc(char)xor xormask))put 2,char counter=counter+1 if counter>len(passwordkey)then counter=1 ' pull random numbers from the hat for x=1 to(asc(mid$(passwordkey,counter,1))*2)temp=rnd next x next z close#1 close#2 end sub private sub command1_click()dim inputfile as string dim outputfile as string dim passwordkey as string inputfile=inputbox("enter a filename to encode")outputfile=inputbox("enter the new filename th** will become")passwordkey=inputbox("enter the password(key)")call fileencodeanddecode(inputfile,outputfile,passwordkey)msgbox"file written to"+outputfile end end sub private sub form_load()command1.caption="code/decode




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