
般若蓝2 般若蓝2
  • 最萌实力坑 最萌实力坑

    1937/12/21 snow white and the seven dwarfs(白雪公主)【classics-1】
    1940/02/07 pinocchio(木偶奇遇记)【classics-2】
    1940/11/13 fantasia(幻想曲)【classics-3】
    1941/10/23 dumbo(小飞象)【classics-4】
    1942/08/13 bambi(小鹿斑比)【classics-5】
    1943/02/06 saludos amigos(致候吾友)【classics-6】
    1945/02/03 the three caballeros(三骑士)【classics-7】
    1946/04/20 make mine music(为我谱上乐章)【classics-8】
    1947/09/27 fun and fancy free(米奇与魔豆)【classics-9】
    1948/05/27 melody time(旋律时光)【classic-10】
    1949/10/05 the adventures of ichabod and mr.toad(伊老师与小蟾蜍大历险)【classics-11】
    1950/02/15 cinderella(仙履奇缘)【classics-12】
    1951/07/28 alice in wonderland(爱丽丝梦游仙境)【classics-13】
    1953/02/05 peter pan(小飞侠)【classics-14】
    1955/06/16 lady and the tramp(小姐与**)【classics-15】
    1959/01/29 sleeping beauty(睡美人)【classics-16】
    1961/01/25 101 dalmatians(101忠狗)【classics-17】
    1963/12/25 the sword in the stone(石中剑)【classics-18】
    1967/10/18 the jungle book(森林王子)【classics-19】
    1970/12/24 the ar**tocats(猫儿历险记)【classics-20】
    1973/11/08 robin hood(罗宾汉)【classics-21】
    1977/03/11 the many adventures of winnie the pooh(小熊维尼历险记)【classics-22】
    1977/06/22 the rescuers(救难小英雄)【classics-23】
    1981/07/10 the fox and the hound(狐狸与**)【classics-24】
    1985/07/24 the black cauldron(黑神锅传奇)【classics-25】
    1986/07/02 the great mouse detective(妙妙探)【classics-26】
    1988/11/18 oliver&company(奥丽华历险记)【classics-27】
    1989/11/17 the little mermaid(小美人鱼)【classics-28】
    1990/11/16 the rescuers down under(救难小英雄澳洲历险记)【classics-29】
    1991/11/22 beauty and the beast(美女与野兽)【classics-30】
    1992/11/25 aladdin(**丁)【classics-31】
    1994/06/15 the lion king(狮子王)【classics-32】
    1995/06/23 pocahontas(风中奇缘)【classics-33】
    1996/06/21 the hunchback of notre dame(钟楼怪人)【classics-34】
    1997/06/27 hercules(大力士)【classics-35】
    1998/06/19 mulan(花木兰)【classics-36】
    1999/06/18 tarzan(泰山)【classics-37】
    2000/01/01 fantasia/2000(幻想曲2000)【classics-38】
    2000/12/15 the emperor's new groove(变身国王)【classics-39】
    2001/06/15 atlant**:the lost empire(失落的帝国)【classics-40】
    2002/06/21 lilo&stitch(星际宝贝)【classics-41】
    2002/11/27 treasure planet(星银岛)【classics-42】
    2003/11/01 brother bear(熊的传说)【classics-43】
    2004/04/02 home on the range(放牛吃草)【classics-44】
    2005/11/04 chicken little(四眼天鸡)【classics-45】
    2006/03/30 meet the robinsons(未来小子)【classics-46】
    1946/11/02 song of the south(南方之歌)
    1949/01/19 so dear to my heart(悠情伴我心)
    1964/08/29 mary poppins(欢乐满人间)
    1971/10/07 bedknobs and broomstick(飞天万能床)
    1977/11/03 pete's dragon(妙妙龙)
    1988/06/22 who framed roger rabbit(威探闯通关)【touchstone released】
    1995/11/22 toy story(玩具总动员)【d**ney/pixar】
    1998/11/25 a bug's life(虫虫危机)【d**ney/pixar】
    1999/11/24 toy story 2(玩具总动员2)【d**ney/pixar】
    2000/05/19 dinosaur(恐龙)
    2001/11/02 monsters,inc.(怪兽电力公司)【d**ney/pixar】
    2003/05/30 finding nemo(海底总动员)【d**ney/pixar】
    2004/11/05 the incredibles(超人特攻队)【d**ney/pixar】
    2005/08/19 valiant(鸽战总动员)【d**ney/vanguard】
    2005/04/14 the wild(野蛮任务)【d**ney/core technologies】
    2006/06/09 cars(cars)【d**ney/pixar】
    2008/06/29 food story(美食总动员)【d**ney/plxar】
    1993/10/13 the nightmare before chr**tmas(圣诞夜惊魂)【touchstone released】
    1996/05/25 james and the giant peach(飞天巨桃历险记)
    1990/08/03 ducktales:the movie-treasure of the lost lamp(唐老鸭俱乐部之失落的神灯)
    1995/04/07 a goofy movie(高飞狗)
    1999/03/26 doug's 1st movie(阿德日记电影版)
    2000/02/11 the tigger movie(跳跳虎历险记)
    2001/02/16 recess:school's out(下课后电影版)
    2002/02/15 return to never land(梦不落帝国)
    2003/02/14 the jungle book 2(森林王子2)
    2003/03/21 piglet's big movie(小猪大行动)
    2004/01/16 teacher's pet(酷狗上学记电影版)
    2005/02/11 pooh's hef**mp move(小熊维尼之长鼻怪大冒险)
    1994/05/20 the return of jafar(贾方复仇记)
    1996/08/13 aladdin and the king of thieves(**丁和大盗之王)
    1997/08/04 winnie the pooh's most grand adventure(小熊维尼寻找罗宾)
    1997/11/11 beauty and the beast:the enchanted chr**tmas(美女与野兽:贝儿的心愿)
    1998/08/25 pocahontas ii:journey to a new world(风中奇缘2:伦敦之旅)
    1998/10/08 the lion king 2:simba's pride(狮子王2:辛巴的荣耀)
    1999/11/09 mickey's once upon a chr**tmas(米老鼠温馨圣诞)
    2000/02/29 an extremely goofy movie(极限高飞)
    2000/09/19 the little mermaid ii:return to the sea(小美人鱼2:重返大海)
    2001/02/27 lady and the tramp ii:scamp's adventure(小姐与**2:狗儿逃家记)
    2002/02/26 cinderella ii:dreams come true(仙履奇缘2:美梦成真)
    2002/03/19 the hunchback of notre dame ii(钟楼怪人2:老实钟的秘密)
    2003/01/21 101 dalmatians ii:patch's london adventure(101忠狗续集:伦敦大冒险)
    2003/05/20 atlant**:milo's return(失落的帝国:神秘的水晶)
    2003/08/26 stitch!the movie(星际宝贝史迪奇)
    2004/02/10 the lion king 3:hakuna matata(狮子王3:hakuna matata)
    2004/03/09 winnie the pooh:springtime with roo(小熊维尼:春天的百亩森林)
    2004/08/17 the three musketeers(三剑客)
    2004/11/09 mickey's twice upon a chr**tmas(米奇耶诞嘉年华)
    2005/02/01 mulan 2(花木兰2)
    2005/06/14 tarzan 2(泰山2)
    2005/08/30 lilo&stitch 2:stitch has a glitch(星际宝贝2:史迪奇有问题)
    2005/09/13 pooh's hef**mp halloween movie(小熊维尼:嘟嘟的万圣节历险)
    2005/12/13 the emperor's new groove 2:kronk's new groove(变身国王2:高刚外传)
    2006/02/07 bambi 2(小鹿斑比2)
    2006/06/27 leroy&stitch(星际宝贝:终极任务)
    2006/08/29 brother bear 2(熊的传说2)
    2006/12/12 the fox and the hound 2(狐狸与**2)
    2007/12/12 cinderella 3:a tw**t in time(仙履奇缘3:时间魔法)

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