

讲故事的书书 讲故事的书书
  • 宝蛋 宝蛋

    who ** the spy!th** game will help u practice the skill of using to describe a thing.
    8 students,8 cards(7 of them ** a,1 of them ** b,b ** the spy)for example,a ** orange,b ** lemon.
    everyone has a card and doesn’t let other players know what you get.
    everyone needs to say a word or a sentence to describe what you get in turns.you cannot directly say the word you get.the purpose of your describing ** to make players who h**e the same card with you know you are not the spy.at the same time,you can’t make the spy know what you get.what’s yourself don’t know if you are the spy or not.if you are the spy,your purpose ** to make others think you are on their side.it means that you need to make others think you h**e the same card with them and the spy ** someone else.
    after everyone describes for a round,i will say three,two,one,and everyone point to someone who you think ** the spy.who get the most votes die.
    if there are only 3 players alive,the spy wins.or,the spy loses.




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