梦幻西游3耐两敏天宫**穿什么装备 ?以后穿什么装备?详解。新手


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  • shiyang4463 shiyang4463

    写得很辛苦.ophelia ①-go to maht class-yes,of course.-i love flowers,they 're so pretty.-yes!of course.-go outside.-only if i can enjoy them with you.-roses.-red,thorns intact.-yes!of course.-yes!of course.-she was talking about you.-your f**orite ** the rose.-inarizushi.-red.-yes!of course.-that's so sweet!yes!of course.②-go to library.-please tell me about suuichi!how well do you know him?tell me h** secrets in exchange for tomorrow's test answers.-keep waiting.-yes!of course.-tell me who are you first.-i prom**e to keep your secret!yes!of course.-yes!of course.trifle ①-wander the halls-no.why do you ask?what do you want me to do about it?sure,i'll do it!look for suuichi.-it's a note for suuichi.-no way!just try and take it.-look outside.-motoko g**e it to me.-keep looking here.-the student council girls won't le**e me alone.-left.-right.-right.-left.-right.-those crazy student council girls want you!you'll h**e to fight me for it!see if suuichi will rescue you.-i had to keep motoko away from you.-she wants to make you run for student body president.-i'm glad to here that.②-go to gym.-find that perv!okay,who's there!i could ask you the samequestion.-i don't know,why don't you ask the bottorn of my foot!do i need to remind you?who were you waiting for?he's the most popular boy in school!it's just after 10:00 am.-yes!of course.-roses.-shiori.-hatanaka.-i don't know.-yes!of course.-yes!of course.-i'm supposed to be in gym class.-i did look,i'm sorry.coriander ①-go to the lane.-(点左边树下的那朵紫色的花.)-(点击右边树上的叶子.)-(点那个黑色的影子)-i sensed your presence.-i sensed something in a flower.-(点最靠近路的右边的那朵花.)-i'm looking for suuichi.-it's very important,i sense something ** wrong.-egg.-i think you're lying.-go look for the dark haired boy.-i was stopped by a strange man with a pacifier.-so,those spores really were from another world?was the creature i saw also a demon?i understand.-i want to be than friends.②-go to the library.-who are you looking for?he usually comes to the library after class.-of course i'll help you.-you're smart,and pretty,and really nice.-for you,i'd run a thousand miles.-if it would make you stay with me.-i'd fight a hundred million bad guys.-to bring the sunlight where you are.-my love,i'm so in love with you.-i thind i see suuichi coming now.-i was helping him write a poem.-well,there ** something.




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