青云志法宝有什么用 法宝进阶攻略

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    another reason ** to reproduce the exceptional human beings.but an einstein clone might choose a path in life which ** contradictory to the one the original einstein chose.he may even possess new vices instead of ex**ting virtues!a further reason ** to obtain a supply of stem cells.stem cells in embryos are very flexible and can develop into every other type of cell in the body.for example,it could help someone recover from a d**ease,repair human t**sue,or help them walk again after an accident.these stem cells would need to come from an embroy taken from the clone of someone.but the embryo would then be wasted,which many people find unacceptable.what ** clear ** that some voluntary code of practice among scient**ts has to be agreed.if not,compulsory ** regulations will h**e to control cloning.
    a fourth reason for cloning ** that some scient**ts and farmers think it would be handy to clone,for example,a prize cow which can res**t bacteria or d**ease,or to sow a cloned crop which can res**t rot or pests.but to rely on a few cloned animals or crops would restrict the biodiversity of the breed.
    finally,the latest research into dna has helped solve crimes by analyzing the suspect’s saliva which they spit at a crime scene or the dirt under their fingernails.
    for example,it could help someone recover from a d**ease

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