剑网3我把所有插件下了 有个自动拾取过滤灰色的插件是哪个?怎么关闭?

安东尼 安东尼
  • 心计 心计

    how do ign and hit affect apt-get update?from what i can see in the apt source code,"ign"means there was an error retrieving the file,but the error ** being ignored.when i run apt-get update,i see 3 ign **s,all of which are fortranslation-en files.a packet dump shows that the requests for those files got http 404 responses.
    so the translation files are m**sing,which makes sense because we don't need a translation of the package database from into and apt doesn't consider the lack of translations to be a fatal error.(even on systems configured for some other language,the lack of translations wouldn't be a fatal error,it would just mean that you'd be forced to read package descriptions in the default language instead of your local preferred language.)
    hit"on the other hand means exactly what you said.the file was found on the server and it hasn't been changed since the last time it was downloaded.th** ** indicated by http code 304. note that we're not talking about timestamps on individual packages,sinceapt-get update doesn't download those.it downloads the l**t of **ailable packages and other related **rmation.the timestamps being compared are on those l**t files,not the packages themselves.




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