

驻马店彩虹小子 驻马店彩虹小子
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    人 高尔基
    斗志昂扬的人就这样迈开大步,穿过人生之谜构成的骇人的黑雾,迈步向前!不断向上!永远向前!不断向上!people golgi
    whenever i another case of the moment,the events that cigarettes will come in my memory,so that i can not help but despair,and my thoughts are cold and indifferent as the autumn sun shining on th** world of chaos,in the chaotic earth circled ominously over,unable to continue to r**e,but can not afford to fly forward.whenever i another case in th** difficult moment,i should be calling people to the majestic image in front of me.
    people,ah!my chest seemed to r**e round the sun,people in th** sun to move forward in a le**urely manner!keep up!tragedy like the perfect people,ah!i saw him proud of h** forehead,and deep rough eyes,shining with dauntless eye in the thinking of the glory of the glorious majesty of the force,which forces people tired颓唐in the creation of the gods of the moment,but also in people's spirits of the times to to overthrow the gods.
    he was in the middle of the universe of desolation,standing alone at that speed to reach the depths of space to the endless galloped away a piece of land,struggling to improve a painfulquestion:"why do i ex**t?he br**ely move forward!keep up!should be encountered along the way the world with all the mysteries of he**en opened to all.
    h** side ahead with a watering h** efforts difficult,lonely and heroic journey,with the blood of burning chest to create a never-withering flowers of poetry,he subtly d**turbing the mind from depression in the spectrum as the voice of music,according to the experience of h** own creation science,and every step should be to decorate a better life,just as generous with the sun as it shines the light to the earth.he kept movement,and constantly up!move forward!he ** the land of a guiding star.
    he ** only by virtue of the power of thinking,th** idea from time to time,such as lightning fast,and sometimes if the cold static sword-a free and proud people far away in front,high above the cross in life,alone in the middle of the mystery of life,the alone among the fallacies inherent in.all th** as the general pressure chime stone arrogant in h** heart,h** soul hurt,tortured h** brain,made him feel ashamed,calling him to the eradication of all the fog.
    he ** progressing!all kinds of instinct no**e in h** chest;self-esteem and grumblingly annoying,like the beggar in the begging shamelessly,as rattan七情六欲general ge tightly wound to heart,**ing h** blood,shouting their strength required to make concessions.would like to take control of h** emotions;all are eager to become a master of h** soul.
    trivial as the lives of all kinds of mud on the road,and ugly as a toad,挡着h** way.
    as for many of the planets around the sun,the human creative spirit ** also a product of the various layers around him:h** love forever i do not know satiation,friendship hobbled,with h** far behind,i hope to walk in tired in front of him;of hate and angry face,h** hands shackled patient ** fit jingle sound can be of faith are using black eye gaze of h** anxious face,waiting for him in their embrace of quiet.
    he understood that a group of their own sad attendants-h** creative spirit ** the product of a variety of deformities,imperfect,bad.
    they dressed in ragged clothes the old truth,all sorts of prejudices were po**oned by the po**on,with hostility to the ideas behind it can not keep up with the general ideological leap,like a crow can not keep up with the soaring eagle.they argue with the thinking of the leader who,it ** difficult to melt with the thinking of creative into a raging flame.
    here was also an eternal partner,that silent and mysterious death,it stands ready to k**s the hot heart of hearts,longing for life.
    th** ** a group of h** own eternal life to understand the de-camp,and finally,he has to understand a product-crazy.
    long as the wings of madness a powerful cyclones,it ** full of hostile people look forward to the notes,to advocate ideas,ins**ts on dragging her to participate in its barbaric dance.
    only thinking of ** a girlfriend,she used the freedom everywhere to observe the sharp eyes of all,and not show mercy to all statements:
    love playing vulgar cunning trick,bent on their own valentine's possession,the director and others in trying to belittle their own stoop,and she has hidden behind a face full of dirty flesh;hope that the weak and powerless,while hiding behind her ** her s**ter-a lie.lies wearing costumes,dress up a花枝招展,stands ready to use sweet words to comfort and to deceive all the people.
    thought in mind the fragile friendship between the heart of the timid to see it,it's cold and the emptiness of curiosity,jealousy also saw spots of decay,as well as the breeding ground from where the seeds out of the defamation.
    rigid ideological beliefs found desperately seized unlimited power,so all the feelings of sl**ery,it ** hidden in a pair of unscrupulous claw,it ** weak he**y wings,it turned a blind eye to the eyes of emptiness.
    still struggling with the death of ideology.thinking of creating adult animals,has created a supernatural being created the philosophy and system,as well as to reveal the key to the mystery of the world-science.the idea of a free and immortal hate and hostility to the death-which ** often of no use then the forces of ignorance and cruelty.
    as for thinking of the death of a woman running away from home,wandering in the房前屋后,street corner,the old,rotten,useless waste collection into the pockets of the filthy,sometimes shamelessly stealing things healthy and strong.
    the death of a rotting stench d**tributed,wrapped frightening shroud covered,cold and indifferent,no personality,elusive,always a serious and ferocious as the mystery of standing in front of people,thought not without envy her study.
    be good at creating it,as bright as the sun of thought,full of lunatics like the courage,she ** proud to realize that they will be immortal.
    high morale of the people on such a big step forward,through the mystery of life posed by the alarming黑雾and move forward!keep up!always move forward!keep up!

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