崩坏3时雨绮罗圣痕怎么样 新圣痕时雨绮罗技能属性

Mr.Gao Mr.Gao
  • 随便的花朵 随便的花朵

    我们通常说的7宗罪是指:暴食、嫉妒、愤怒、懒惰、贪婪、**欲、骄傲。那“9 crimes”里的另外两宗罪又是什么?是背叛吗?是出轨吗?是在错的时间遇到对的人吗?还是在对的时间遇到错的人?也许只是感情的种种纠结让人有罪恶感…
    傲慢(pride),嫉妒(envy),暴怒(wrath),懒惰(sloth),贪婪(greed),饕餮(gluttony),以及**(lust),这是宗教所说的人类的**。9 crimes中没有明确告诉我们还有另外两种罪孽是什么。而“9”或许泛指罪孽的多种,不单但是个具体的实数。字面上是它很像是首反战歌曲—“战争”总会把人性丑陋的黑暗面放在了金字塔尖。在这个物欲横流的浮躁世界里,太多的人早已经迷失了自己。我也很喜欢这首歌,比较偏向第一种解释,这是电影closer的插曲(影片改编自舞台剧,诚实检视了现代都会男女的爱情关系,从相遇、激情相恋到**出轨。片中朱丽娅·罗伯茨与裘德·洛、娜塔丽·波特曼和克利夫·欧文分别饰演两对夫妇,对配偶的不忠和背叛让他们的关系破裂。所以我觉得你朋友的解释也不是没有道理的。这是两个老外的看法 他们大多数都是认为cheating:
    it's about falling in love with someone while you are in a relationship with someone else,and the self-loathing you feel at your betrayal."le**e me out with the waste."i think the guy and the girl singing(damien&l**a)are the ones in love with each other,but they're both in a relationship with someone else.they are fully charged with passion and emotion for one another that has to be repressed because if fired it would wound their partners.
    i'm not sure,but i think that the 9 crimes might tie into the 9mm of a handgun,with a complex set of emotions packed into each cylinder
    i think its about 2 people who h**e broken up,but are still in love.they're trying to move on but feel guilty,as if they're cheating on their ex.in the first verse she's saying she shouldnt be thinking of her former man when she's with th** new person.he goes so far as to say its like cheating in the 2nd verse.and when he says 'she's pulling me through' i think he means th** new lover ** d**tracting him and getting him through the break-up.
    oh and 'le**e me out with the waste' means you're right to h**e thrown me out with the trash because its where i deserve to be i think.
    also,'give my gun away when its loaded' means ** it okay to move on when my heart belongs to someone else,i think.and they're asking 'if you dont shoot it how am i supposed to hold it' i think means,i'm going to h**e to sat**fy my needs somewhere so if not with you then with someone else.




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