

zhangwei zhangwei
  • 翼下之风 翼下之风

    那首歌是:shirley morrow 演唱的《until the end》
    歌名:until the end
    演唱:shirley morrow
    it's dramatic
    we're not going to make it
    look at us,we're submerged
    i think our love ** cursed
    the fire stopped burning
    don't look at my broken wings
    we'll never see the light again
    but i will keep on going
    till the end
    hey ey ey ey ey
    our ship has faced a hurricane
    but i will keep on going
    till the end
    i don't know if my soul will sink
    and i will keep on going
    tired of fighting
    i swim but i'm not moving
    stuck in sand there ** no hope
    it's time to cut the rope
    we tried but we failed
    free me,from my golden jail
    the land ** for the bottle sent
    and i will keep on going
    till the end
    hey ey ey ey ey
    our ship has faced a hurricane
    but i will keep on going
    till the end
    i don't know if my soul will sink
    and i will keep on going
    until i drown
    until my spirit ** alive
    until i die
    never forget
    keep going on
    till the end
    our ship has faced a hurricane
    but i will keep on going
    till the end
    i don't know if my soul will sink
    and i will keep on going until.




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