瓦尔迪斯传说:深渊之城 红眼忍者怎么打


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    my road to success
    one morning,i was reading passages as usual and the one which named the road to success impressed me most and i couldn’t forget one of its paragraph,it wrote“and here ** the prime condition of success,the great secret:concentrate your energy,thought,and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged.h**ing begun in one line,resolve to fight it out on that line,to lead it,adopt every improvement,h**e the best machinery,and know the most about it.”after i’ve read it,i thought of my future job,frankly speaking,i would be an teacher,however,that was not my first choice,my f**orite job ** to be a business woman,to be the truth,i may give up the latter job and become a teacher because of some reasons,therefore,i take a deep thought in my heart,if i really become a teacher,i should learn the spirit which the sentence expresses,really,if i become a teacher,i should concentrate my energy and capital exclusively upon the business in which i am engaged,and once i begin,i should try my best to do my job well and be excellent in my field.i think th** sentence really encourages me,and give me a proper suggestion in a way,i thank that,i believe i could be a good teacher in the future if i do the job with my heart.




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