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  • 小苹果儿 小苹果儿

    surfing ** the term ** used for a surface water sport in which the person surfing moves along the face of a breaking ocean w**e(the"surf").however,surfing ** not restricted to saltwater,but can sometimes take place on rivers,using a standing w**e.
    the main use of the word"surfing"** for riding w**es using a board on which the surfer stands.other forms include bodyboarding,in which the individual riding the w**e only partly ra**es h** upper body from the board surface,and from bodysurfing,where no board at all ** used.
    two major subdiv**ions within contemporary stand-up surfing are longboarding and shortboarding,reflecting differences in surfboard design and riding style.
    in tow-in surfing(most often,but not exclusively,associated with big w**e surfing),a surfer ** towed into the w**e by a motorized water vehicle,such as a jetski,generally because standard paddling ** often ineffective when trying to match a large w**e's higher speed.
    depending on w**e size,direction,and on wind conditions,sailboats can also surf on larger w**es on open sailing waters.unlike"surfers",sailors usually do not surf in beach w**es,and they usually do not go out in order to surf;instead,the w**e and wind conditions may allow them to boat surf during a sailing trip.more recently,the same principle of craft-based surfing has been increasingly used by kayakers,notably in the sport of playboating,which ** mostly carried out on rivers(see playspot).
    surfing-related sports such as paddleboarding and sea kayaking do not require w**es,and other derivative sports such as kitesurfing and windsurfing rely primarily on wind for power,yet all of these tools may also be used to ride w**es.
    recently with the use of v-drive boats,wakesurfing has grown.wakesurfing ** surfing behind a boat,riding the w**e or wake which ** created by the boat.




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