

520hugh 520hugh
  • 诚诚ZC 诚诚ZC

    spiral:suiri no kizuna(bonds of reasoning)** the story of th** mystery,into which narumi ayumu ** drawn after an apparently attempted ** at h** school.the girl involved was a member of th** mysterious group,a group that ayumu's older brother,kiyotaka,was investigating at the time of h** d**appearance two years earlier.so,against the w**hes of narumi madoka(kiyotaka's wife,and current detective),ayumu begins h** own investigation,ass**ted by the school's lone member of the news** club,yuizaki hiyono.
    at first,ayumu ** simply challenged outright by the blade children,who claim to know something of the whereabouts of h** older brother.their"tests"are primarily tests of ayumu's mental prowess and cunning,but occasionally test h** luck as well(the magic squares/bomb puzzle,for instance).as he begins to gain their trust,the mystery of"what are the blade children?** supplanted by"why are the hunters trying to kill the blade children?as the blade children's ostensible leader,eyes rutherford,** targeted by an assassin.
    the blade children themselves are fairly normal,if prodigies can be called normal,and are physically identifiable as different only by their cat-slit eyes and a single rib m**sing from their ribcage.
    unfortunately,the anime ends without reaching the answers it set out to find,due to the fact that it caught up with the manga on which it was based.(the four**th and final volume of the manga was released in september of 2005,the anime aired between 2002 and 2003.)the final arc of the anime deals with a similar concept as volumes six through eight of the manga,but takes place under different circumstances.展开

  • 星月传世装备价格表

    提问时间:2024-04-28 16:22:28


  • 穿越火线装备价格表

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