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    the memory causes some in 10%of plantings of windows
    by x**ier regord and philippe crouzillacq,01net.
    to reduce the breakdowns of its operating system,microsoft recommends integration in desktop pc of memories gdr ecc,already used for the waiters.
    what's the fault with when does windows plant on your computer?in 10%of the cases,the persons in charge are the cosmic rays-emitted by stars or other celestial bodies-or the memories of low quality,because of components of first ** the conclusion drawn by microsoft which,for four years,has gathered the data resulting from the dysfunctions of its operating system thanks to application oca(online crash analys**)present in xp and v**ta.
    concerning the specific problem of the memories of low quality,the editor encouraged the computer makers,at the time of the last winhec conference,to integrate memory gdr ecc(error coding correction)in desktop pc.
    mechan**m of autocorrection
    essential to obtain certification windows server today,gdr eec contains a mechan**m of correction of errors which cons**ts in checking the integrity of the data before and after a transfer of or towards the memory.
    but if he ** considered to be surer,th** type of memory ** up to three times expensive than a simple memory gdr.a few years ago,one of the principal founders of processors,amd,had ventured to deploy some on its chips athlon fx.but the integration of th** equipment,even in pc general public high efficiency intended auxhardcore gamers(inveterate players),had been regarded as too much expensive.what had obliged the manufacturer to change policy and to return to traditional processors.
    it's obvious that people th** by using the computer,but if you don't understand some of the translation you can ask me.




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