

月亮? 月亮?
  • Camelia Camelia

    终于看完了《魔戒》三部曲,脸颊还在淌着泪。说一说我的感觉吧,从哪里开始呢?我只感觉内心中有久违的饱满的感动。整部片子气势的恢弘是不用赘言的,全球的粉丝群会证明这一点。我只想留下的是它给我的,可以说是震撼。笼罩着神性的光辉。为了保卫家园,即使失败,但是只为那还存在的一线希望,为着心中的信念,他们勇往直前,视死如归,保卫自己的土地,人民与尊严。王妃最后说“人类的时代到来了”,是勇敢,坚强拯救了人类自己,也拯救了全世界。勇士们是无畏的,屹立在前方指引着人民,他们身上的品质有很多。可以说,正是这种团结,坚定才给了我们勇气去面对,也是影片想要传达的精神,那就是,只要我们心存勇气,希望就会生生不息。为正义的事业献身。在看三部曲的过程中,我不知留过几次泪,可绝大多数是因为山姆而留的。在他的身上,我看到了忠贞的友谊,看到了坚强,看到了为朋友誓死相随的信念。第一次流泪是在佛罗多准备独自踏上去摩多的道路时,山姆伸出手表示自己将一路相随,至真至纯的情感,从来没有变过。当在末日火山上佛罗多撑不下去时,是同样也筋疲力尽的山姆说“i can not take it,but i can take you."他背起了自己的朋友,他兑现了自己的诺言,一路保护佛罗多,无怨无悔,当佛罗多对他怀疑丢弃他时,他哭了,可是最后又从敌人手中把朋友解救出来。山姆,让我狠狠的感动了,或许,我本来就是个容易受感动的人,可是是山姆,让我现在正在变得世故与冷漠的心感到了温暖。真正的友谊是信任,是给与,是忠诚,是帮助。我想,到最后,留在佛罗多心中最惺惺相惜的是山姆的友情,是生命中最初的也是最应该有的淳朴。是的,对于像山姆这样的人来说,应该享受生命的美好。对于我,我打心眼里喜欢的是那四位矮个子的哈比人,他们没有强健的体魄,不能像英雄们一样冲锋陷阵,他们只能跟着大军,被保护,可是他们身上的品质却一点都不逊色。他们中没有一个人因为害怕而退缩,尽管不能说他们很勇敢。他们保护同伴,相依为命,珍惜彼此,诚实善良,是他们,这四个并不起眼的小矮人,让精灵,国王,骑士们都予以致敬,因为是他们,让我们看到人类最美好的感情,让我们看到人类的希望究竟在哪里。夏尔的家园是理想国土,它寄托着我们的梦想,我们的归宿。夏尔的生活,不仅是小哈比人最喜欢的,也是我们最向往的。摆脱内心的恐慌,疑虑,贪念,回归未经世事沾染时的善良,纯真,我们的世界,就是夏尔的家园。1
    depending on how much you know about j.r.r.tolkien,you will either be bored or outraged by ralph bakshi's lord of the rings.despite lovely backgrounds and bakshi's always beautiful use of color,the film ** not exactly the high point in bakshi's career.in fact,it ** still remembered and reviled by many tolkien fans,who resent bakshi's he**y-handed treatment of the first third of the ring trilogy.
    much of th** resentment comes from the lord of the rings' unique position in fantasy literature.unlike roughly contemporaneous works like howard's conan saga or lieber's fahfrid and the grey mouser,the ring trilogy found popularity and acceptance outside the fantasy community.scholars respected tolkien's poetry and deep understanding of celtic and norse mythos;hippies viewed the book as allegorical and containing w**dom;war gamers adopted the tolkien world into the massively popular dungeons and dragons adventure games.tolkien was possibly the last quality writer before stephen king to h**e a diverse and major following,and h** works meant a great deal to many people.h** fantasy world,based as it was on half-forgotten legends,possessed a logic and conviction that few others can rival.
    instead of attempting to live up to th** tall order,bakshi instead offers a film which ** the equivalent of the various posters and calendars based on tolkien's work.v**ually,the work ** gorgeous in a 70s-fantasy-illustration-kind-of-way.it's also an incredibly shallow work,and ** written in such a way that much of the proceedings will puzzle a non-tolkien fan.for example,the designs for the ringwraiths and orcs are very similar-both are very dark,horned,and h**e red eyes.the ringwraiths,however,are far unique and deadly adversaries(only nine of these evil spirits ex**t).confusion then follows for the audience when the ringwraiths are presented as unstoppable evil whereas the orcs are quite easily killed.in a similar vein,three of the four hobbits are drawn virtually identically,making it difficult for the viewer to d**tingu**h the lead characters.gollum presents himself in the last third of the picture with very little introduction indeed,as do the ents.bakshi assumes that you've already read the books and thus spends little time on characterization.in retrospect,th** strategy ** one that ** familiar to fans of japanese o**s,but that doesn't make it any less lazy than it was in the 1970s.many of the brit**h accents in the film are on the precious side,making the dialogue even ponderous("by all the shire,you shall h**e neither the ring nor me!naturally,as in any bakshi film,there are scattered moments of brilliance.gandalf's impr**onment at saruman's tower,the various battle scenes,the early sequences with the ringwraiths,and frodo's dance in a t**ern all come to mind.these all remain dazzling.unfortunately,too many human characters(aragorn and boromir in particular)are far too simplified to maintain our interest.the film's score,initially charming,quickly becomes repetitive,and bakshi's dec**ion to end the film while two-thirds of the story still remains le**es the viewer unsat**fied.(bakshi never filmed a proposed sequel).
    within minutes of the start of th** first chapter of an undeniably epic trilogy,the audience was left gasping at the intensity of the images on the screen.and we had nearly three hours to go.
    the scope of tolkien's masterpiece may h**e eluded film-makers for decades,but director peter jackson makes good on h** prom**e:he has not only brought us the tale of frodo and h** bold companions,he has brought us middle earth.and believe me,it ** big.sweeping v**tas and hang-onto-your-seat camera shots send us zooming through the towering cities and citadels of tolkien's imagination.
    but even impressive than the stunning v**uals and sound-effects-like-you've-never-heard-before are the actors who breathe life into the characters.ian mckellen's portrayal of gandalf ** nothing short of awe-inspiring,and elijah wood's frodo ** one of the most unexpectedly captivating performances i've seen in a long time.the despair,terror,and determination of the fellowship ** all there,in spades.i left the theater aching.from tensing every muscle during the fight and flight sequences-the breathless and compelling kind we h**en't seen since spielberg g**e us a desperate charge onto the d-day beaches of normandy.
    those unfamiliar with tolkien's world may quickly find themselves lost in it,but happily so.the depth of h** creation cannot be grasped in a few hours,and it doesn't need to be;the struggle of good against evil explodes on the screen,and le**es little room for complaint.
    the movie ended with a stunned audience sitting on the edges of their seats,feeling somewhat bereft.we were exhausted,but no one wanted to wait a year for more.
    jackson's ambitious first chapter ** truly unlike anything you've seen th** year.george lucas and chr** columbus take note:th** ** how you deliver on a cinematic prom**e.

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