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    orchard of mines
    by globus
    don't taint th** ground with the color of the past
    are the sounds in bloom with you?cause you feel like an orchard of mines
    just take one step at a time
    and you seem to break like time
    so fragile on the inside,you climb these grapevines
    would you look now unto the pit of me on the ground
    and you wander through these to climb these grapevines.
    i'll say it to be proud,won't h**e my life turn upside down
    says the man with some,with some gold forged plan
    of life so incomplete,like weights strapped around my feet
    tread careful one step at a time
    and you seem to break like time
    so fragile on the inside,you climb these grapevines
    would you look now unto the pit of me on the ground
    and you wander through these to climb these grapevines.
    to know,to feel,to play me once again
    do you denote from what we feel
    do yu not know,i see you play the game
    do you denote.
    la f** niposa,la ombra d**pare
    la noce immortale,la voce murmure
    to know,to feel,to play me once again
    do you denote.
    do you not know,i see you play the game




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