
hsiehiy hsiehiy
  • 口胡之家 口胡之家

    3 kagemusha of the six samurai 影武者3 legendary six samurai – kizan 鬼斩3 legendary six samurai – kageki 阴鬼2 grandmaster of the six samurai **1 en**hi,shien’s chancellor 缘1 hand of the six samurai 刺手spells:173 upstart goblin 成金葛布林3 shien’s smoke signal 狼烟3 six samurai united 团结2 mystical space typhoon 小旋1 giant trunade 起风1 dark hole 黑洞1 book of moon 月书1 monster reborn 死苏1 re**rcement of the army 征援1 gateway of the six 门traps:103 double-edged sword technique 活人剑2 musakani magatama 勾玉2 solemn warning 神警1 royal oppression 王弹1 solemn judgment 神宣1 mirror force 圣防extra deck:152 legendary six samurai – shi en 紫炎1 brionac,dragon of the ice barrier 6星冰龙1 naturia ba**on 岩龙1 colossal fighter 巨人斗士1 gaia knight,the force of earth 大地骑士1 scrap dragon 废铁龙1 scrap archfiend 废铁恶魔1 stardust dragon 星辰龙1 chimeratech fortress dragon 要塞龙1 ally of justice catastor 灾亡1 magical android 魔力人造人1 black rose dragon 玫瑰龙1 m**t wurm 喷霞虫1 ancient fairy dragon 古妖龙side deck:152 dust tornado 沙尘2 smashing ground 地碎2 bottomless trap hole 柰落2 nobleman of crossout 抹杀2 d.d.crow 乌鸦2 cyber dragon 电子龙2 dimensional pr**on 幽闭1 gorz the em**sary of darkness 冥府这是31下的,自己去参考一下吧




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