

牧心乐乐 牧心乐乐
  • 莫欺少年穷 莫欺少年穷

    the story of an ugly duckling
    only in the final from the shell of the ducklings to climb out of ** so ugly,he always picks endure,being excluded by the ridicule,not only in the case of ducks,even in flocks as well.
    he ** too big!everyone says that.that turkey hung born from the feet there,so he thought he was a king.blowing h** own drum like a boat full of wind,come come back to him,staring at a pair of big eyes,blood red.th** poor duckling did not know where the stand or where to do go.he felt very sad because they look so ugly,and all the chickens and ducks h**e become the object of ridicule.
    th** ** the first day the situation.was getting worse.we all h**e to drive th** poor ducklings;even h** own brothers and s**ters told him angry.they always said:"you ugly monster,i hope that you captured cat to do!so my mother said:"i hope you go far peck cryptotaenia h**e him,they beat him chicks,fed domestic chickens and ducks that people who kicked him.




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