

薄荷叶微凉 薄荷叶微凉
  • CK CK

    my fellow brothers,i,billy herrington,stands here today humbled by the task before us,mindful of the sacrifices borne by our niconico ancestors.we are the midst of cr****.niconico douga ** at war against storm of d**t**ce and deletion.niconico's economy ** badly weakened,(which **)a consequence of carelessness and irresponsibility on the part of management,but also on the collective failure to make hard choices,to make our(us?prepare for a new mad age.today,i say to you,the challenge ** real,they are serious,and they are many.they will not be easily met(or)in a short span of time.but know that at niconico,they will be met.in reaffirming the greatness of our site,we understand that greatness ** never,and our journey has never been shortcut.it has not been the path for the faint-hearted or seek only the fleshly pleasures.rather,it has been the r**k-takers,the wasted genii,and the creators of mad thing.for us,they toiled in sweatshops,and endured the lash of the spanking,time and time again these men struggled and sacrificed so that we may live better.we remain the most powerful site on the internet and minds are no less inventive.and services no less needed than they were last week or yesterday,or the day before the day after tomorrow.starting today,we must pull♂up♂our♂pants,dust ourselves off,and begin again the work of remaking niconico douga.now,there are some whoquestion the scale of our ambitions,who suggest that our server system cannot(load too many movies).their memories are short,for they h**e forgotten what niconico has already done.what free man can achieve when imagination ** joined to the common purpose.and so,for all the people who are watching th** video,from the grandest cities to the small villages where ikzo was born,know that niconico ** a friend of every man who seeks the future of love and peace.now,we will begin to responsibly le**e the authorized common materials to niconico people,and forge a hard-earned peace in th** mad world.what ** required of us now,** a new era of responsibility.th** ** the price and prom**e of niconico common’s citizenship.niconico douga,in the face of our common dangers,in th** winter of our hardship,let us remember these timeless words.ass♂we♂can.let it be said by our children’s children,that when we were tested by dos attacks,when we were refused by **,we did not turn back and nor did we falter.and we carried forth that great gift of freedom delivered it safely to future generations.thank you,god bless,god bless niconico douga.
    平时的一些话有:帕秋莉♂go,乖♂乖♂站♂好 奥♂义♂很♂爽
    ass♂we♂can 易♂建♂联 日♂你♂爷 无♂双♂大♂黄♂瓜
    完达山♂来了个丘比特♂啊 买♂箫的 买♂箫的

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