
妮阿妮可妮 妮阿妮可妮
  • 潮牌推荐 潮牌推荐

    guts over fear-eminem
    feels like a close
    it's coming to
    fuck am i gonna do
    it's too late to start over
    th** ** the only thing i
    thing i know
    sometimes i feel like
    all i ever do **
    find different ways to word
    the same
    old song
    ever since i came along
    from the day the song called
    'hi my name **' dropped
    started thinking my name was fault
    cause anytime things went wrong
    i was the one who
    they would blame it on
    the media made me the equivalent
    of a modern-day gengh** kahn
    tried to argue
    it was only entertainment dawg
    gangsta naw courageous balls
    had to change my style
    they said i'm way too soft
    and i sound like az and nas
    out came the claws
    and the fangs been out since then
    but up until the instant
    that i went against it
    it was ingrained in me
    that i wouldn't amount to a **stain
    i thought
    no wonder i had to unlearn
    everything that my brain was taught
    do i really belong in th** game
    i pondered
    i just wanna play my part
    should i make w**es or not
    so back and forth in my brain
    the tug of war wages on
    and i don't wanna seem ungrateful
    or d**respect the artform
    i was ra**ed upon
    but sometimes you gotta take a loss
    and h**e people rub it
    in your face before you can get
    made p**sed off
    and keep pluggin' it's your only outlet
    and your only outfit
    so you know they gonna talk about it
    better find a way to counter
    it quick and make it ah
    feel like i've already said
    th** a kabillion eighty times
    how many times can
    i say the same thing different
    ways that rhyme
    what i really wanna say **
    ** there's anyone else
    that can relate to my story
    bet you feel the same way
    i felt when i was in the same
    place you are
    when i was afraid to
    afraid to make a single sound
    afraid i would never find a way out
    out out
    afraid i'd never be found
    i didn't wanna go another round
    an angry man's power will shut you up
    trip wires fill th** house with
    tip-toed love
    run out of excuses for every word
    so here i am and i will not run
    guts over fear the time ** here
    guts over fear i shed a tear
    for all the times i let you push me
    around l let you keep me down
    guts over fear guts over fear
    feels like a close it's coming to
    fuck am i gonna do
    it's too late to start over
    th** ** the only thing i thing i know
    i know what it was like i was there once
    single parents
    hate your appearance
    did you struggle to find your place
    in th** world
    and the pain spawns all the anger on
    but it wasn't until i put the pain
    in songs learned who to aim it on
    that i made a spark
    started to spit hard as **
    learned how to harness it
    while the reins were off
    and there was a lot of bizarre **
    but the crazy part
    was soon as i stopped saying
    i g**e a fuck
    haters started to appreciate my art
    and it just breaks my heart
    to look at all the pain i caused
    but what am i gonna do
    when the rage ** gone
    and the lights go out in that trailer park
    and the window that was closing
    and there's nowhere else
    i can go with flows in
    and i'm frozen cause
    there's no emotion for me
    to pull from
    just a bunch of playful songs
    that i make for fun
    so to the break of dawn here
    i go recycling the same old song
    but i'd rather make
    “not afraid 2”
    than another make mothafuckin'
    'we made you' uh
    now i don't wanna seem indulgent
    when i d**cuss my lows
    and my highs
    my dem**e and my upr**e
    pray to god
    i just opened enough eyes later on
    and g**e you the supplies
    and the tools to hopefully
    use that'll make you strong
    and enough to lift yourself up
    when you feel like i felt
    cause i can't explain to y'
    all how dang exhausted my legs felt
    just h**ing to balance my damn self
    when on eggshells
    i was made to walk
    but thank you ma
    'cause that g**e me the
    strength to cause shady-mania
    so when they empty that stadium
    least i made it out of that house
    and a found a place in th** world
    when the day was done
    so th** ** for every kid
    who all's they ever did was dreamt
    of one day they would just
    getting accepted
    i represent him or her
    anyone similar you are the reason
    that i made th** song
    and everything you're scared to say
    don't be afraid to say no from th** day on forward
    just let them a-holes talk
    take it with a grain of salt
    and eat their fucking faces off
    the legend of the angry blonde
    lives on through you when i'm gone
    and to think i was a
    i was afraid to
    make a single sound
    afraid i will never find a way out
    out out
    afraid i never before
    i didn't wanna go another round
    an angry mans power will shut you up
    trip wires in th** house will
    cut our love
    run out of excuses with every word
    so here i am and i will not run
    guts over fear the time ** here
    guts over fear i shall not tear
    for all the times i let you push me
    around and push me down
    guts over fear guts over fear
    guts over fear-eminem




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