倩女幽魂逆天98蓝腰带有一属性是不可修复 值不值的打昆吾石。这装备不值钱还是值很多钱

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  • 兔子不喜欢吃肉 兔子不喜欢吃肉

    code breaker version 6+
    enable code(must be on)
    9a245157 18f27a8e
    1 always low time(puzzle mode)
    2ae3113d 00000000
    2 always h**e guide line(puzzle mode only)
    1a1122f1 00000001
    3 always h**e guide line(all modes)
    1a34c26a 00001000
    1a1122f1 00000001
    4 quick score gain p1
    1a4921d5 0000ffff
    5 max score p1
    2abb101a 05f5e0ff
    6 infinite time to shoot bubble out p1
    1a7121d5 00000000
    7 always h**e piece modifier p1
    1a1921b0 000000?8 next piece modifier p1
    1a7921af 000000?9 p1 press l3 for super bubble
    da2616b8 b20e4af3
    1a1921b0 00000020
    10 p1 press r3 for bomb bubble
    da2616b8 b20e4af1
    1a1921b0 00000029
    11 never get bubbles p1
    1aed20cb 00000000
    12 always get bubbles p1
    1aed20cb 00000230
    13 p1 needs 1 win to win
    da342457 b2137819
    1a4d22f1 00000001
    14 p1 never wins
    1a4d22f1 00000000
    15 ceiling never closes in p1
    1a3917d6 00000000
    16 ceiling always closes in p1
    da28330c b20f6f42
    1a3917d6 00000008
    17 quick score gain p2
    1a8928db 0000ffff
    18 max score p2
    2a7b1f00 05f5e0ff
    19 infinite time to shoot bubble out p2
    1ab128db 00000000
    20 always h**e piece modifier p2
    1a5928c7 000000?21 next piece modifier p2
    1ab928b5 000000?22 p2 press l3 for super bubble
    da2616ba b20e4af1
    1a5928c7 00000020
    23 p2 press r3 for bomb bubble
    da2616ba b20e4af3
    1a5928c7 00000029
    24 never get bubbles p2
    1a2d2fd1 00000000
    25 always get bubbles p2
    1a2d2fd1 00000230
    26 p1 needs 1 win to win
    da322457 b2157819
    1a4f22f1 00000001
    27 p1 never wins
    1a4f22f1 00000000
    28 ceiling never closes in p2
    1a891e5e 00000000
    29 ceiling always closes in p2
    daf838b4 b2df64fa
    1a891e5e 00000008
    30 infinite time to shoot bubble out(both players)
    2ad73197 00000000
    31 ceiling never closes in(both players)
    2aeb301e 00000000




谷财 备案编号:蜀ICP备11019336号-3商务合作:235-677-2621

Copyright 2009-2020 Chengdu Sanzilewan Technology Co.,Ltd all rights reserve

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