
开心果 开心果
  • 小妖拉拉渴 小妖拉拉渴

    rage of the tribe
    a murder of crows
    nights grow dark as starry lights of our brothers and s**ters d**appear,taken as sl**es by steel men of empire who follow lords of r**en.tribe’s tears tell us to act;warriors’hearts tell us to fight.but shaman says;l**ten to your ancestors.
    我们的同胞像渐渐黯淡的星光,消失在低垂的夜幕中,他们被那些跟随渡鸦公爵的帝国铁甲卫士们抓去做奴隶。部落的泪水告诉我们该采取行动;勇士们愤懑的心激励我们要去战斗。但是萨满法师说:听从先祖的忠告吧。第一幕:在兽人的部落里,萨满法师库金向所有的兽人们诉说神谕。kujin:kunyak and batu,our great ancestors who broke the wizard’s chains and freed us,spoke to me.here ** my v**ion…
    kujin:batu threw the oracle bones.three symbols rose from the dust.first was demon.batu said,“they fight life itself,our mother earth.they are the true enemy.we protect life,it ** our purpose.”
    库金:巴图抛出神谕之骨。三个神谕从封尘的土中浮起。第一个是恶魔。巴图说“恶魔嗜杀生命,我们的天灵之母。它们才是真正的敌人。我们保护生命,因为这是我们的追求。orc crowd:batu…great shanman speaks.urrrhh.aaahww.
    kujin:next symbol was a dragon king,a young man,standing before us.he g**e a dark dragon skull to kunyak to guard for the chosen one.kunyak said,“the successor will be like orc,half demon,half man.he wields power to change the world-or destroy it.”
    库金:第二个神谕是龙王,一位年轻的君王,超尘拔俗。他给库雅克一个暗黑龙头骨,让他保护那个被选中的人。库雅克说,“这个继承者会像兽人一样,也是个半人半魔。他会运用他的魔力改变世界,或是毁灭它。brute:kunyak!great warrior!orc son rule world!wooooaahh!野蛮人:库雅克!伟大的战士!兽人的孩子将统治世界!哇啊啊啊!kujin:last symbol was a spider,dead but not dead.she cut the web of demon lies spinning over our world.batu said,“orcs will meet a spider wearing the face of a man.th** spinner will help us s**e mother earth…as orcs h**e done before!库金:最后一个神谕是蜘蛛女神,将死而尚未死去。她切断了恶魔在我们的世界上到处编织的恶网。巴图预言道,“兽人们将遇到蜘蛛女神,届时她将会借助人脸现身,蜘蛛女神将协助我们拯救天灵之母•就像兽人曾经做过的一样!orc crowd:ooooooh!aaaaah!兽群:哦!啊!kujin:th** ** ** hope.ancients say wait for spider omen.then orcs win than freedom,orcs will be freedom’s champions.
    库金:这个神谕就是希望。先祖们说等待蜘蛛女神的征兆。然后兽人就远不仅仅是获得自由,兽人将会成为自由的战士。quroq:tribe!you hear shaman’s council shaman says wait for sign.only sign i see ** butcher’s knife!orcs in chains!you think when orcs were sl**es,kunyak say on ground,waiting for signs?like kunyak i pay my freedom now,with my axe.
    魁洛克:弟兄们!你们都听到了萨满法师的预言了,萨满法师说要等待征兆。而我所看见的征兆就是屠夫的刀刃和兽人们披枷戴锁!你们想想看,看着兽人们正受尽奴役之苦,库雅克会只是站在一旁,说什么要等待征兆吗?要像库雅克那样,我现在就要用利斧来争取自由!orc:ha!quroq was right!look,see a spider omen here under my foot!兽人:哈!魁洛克说得对!看,看这个被我踩在脚下蜘蛛征兆!orc crowd:ha ha ha ah ah arghh snort!兽群:哈哈哈~哼哼哼!quroq:quroq le**e at dawn to free brothers and s**ters.you want signs,you stay and wait!魁洛克:魁洛克黎明就出发,去解救被奴役的兄弟姐妹们!你们若想得到更多的神谕,就待在这里等着吧!orc crowd:rahhhhhhhh.quroq,quroq!兽群:啊哈哈哈。魁洛克!魁洛克!kujin:must stop th**!quroq speaks like empire’s swords are rusty.like one no**y orc can break a thousand chains.like ancestors’voices mean nothing!库金:必须阻止他这样做!按魁洛克的说法,好像帝国的剑都是破铜烂铁。好像只要一个吼叫不停的兽人就能打破上千的枷锁。好像先祖的忠告都一文不值!gotai:no,kujin.quroq speaks from the heart;tribe’s heart beats with h**.he says tomorrow we go to hell…tribe follows.
    苟泰:不,库金。魁洛克说话是发自内心的;整个部落都与他休戚与共。(如果)他说明天去进地狱•部落也会随他而去。quroq:prepare for battle!th** day quroq lead orcs to power…orcs will rule world!魁洛克:准备战斗吧!这天,魁洛克给兽人带来了力量•(而今后,)兽人将统治世界!一只狮鹫从空中飞过,目睹了兽人的会议。alaric:re**rcements to the left flank.send my personal guard.glory to the queen!艾里瑞克:援军调至左翼。派遣我的私人护卫。为了至高无上的女皇!paladin:high priest alaric,a griffon scout arrives…
    alaric:i must see the queen.as she predicted,the orcs are on the move.
    艾里瑞克:我必须去觐见女皇。正如她所预料的,兽人们已经蠢蠢欲动了。paladin:but sire?we are in the middle of a battle?圣骑士:但是,阁下?我们正在打仗啊。alaric:these are her orders,and she ** the queen!do not let me hear you questioning them again.servitude to her majesty ** your only duty.
    艾里瑞克:这是她的尊令,她是女皇!不要让我再听到你对她决策的质疑。效劳于女皇陛下是你唯一的职责。第二幕:农民们正鞭笞着半人马,催促他们干活。overseer:get back to work.dying **n’t an excuse.these carts aten’t going to pull themselves.ha ha ha
    监督者:快回去工作。别以死为借口。这些马车可不会自己长脚走路。哈哈哈!peasant:what are you looking at,huh?农民:你们在发什么呆,嗯?c**alier:orcs!run!run!骑士:兽人来了!快跑!快跑!quroq:father sky!death to my enemy!魁洛克:以天灵之父的名义!让敌人统统见鬼去吧!quroq:free brother centaurs!魁洛克:解救半人马兄弟们!quroq:we followed our hearts!father sky g**e us victory!魁洛克:我们的心与我们同在!天灵之父赐予我们胜利!orc crowd:w ahhahahahah orcs!quroq!兽群:哇哈哈哈哈!兽族万岁!魁洛克万岁!第三幕 攻破城堡之后
    quroq:the shaman’s dream spoke true,i,quroq will claim skull of dragon king.
    魁洛克:萨满法师的梦想灵验了,我,魁洛克将去摘取龙王的头骨。kujin:i see.so now he interprets oracle bones…
    gotai:kujin…your pride blinds you.th** ** quroq’s day.we h**e victory.
    苟泰:库金啊•是你的自尊蒙住了你的双眼。今日是魁洛克的荣誉之日。我们获得胜利了。quroq:orcs run no more.orcs will rule!men,elves,dwarves and demons will kneel to orcs!魁洛克:兽人不再惟命是从。兽人将统治世界!人类,精灵,矮人和恶魔都将对兽人俯首称臣!orc crowd:orcs!rule world!quroq,quroq!兽群:兽人(无敌)!一统天下!魁洛克!魁洛克!kujin:quroq ** conqueror:he thinks to wield the axe and bones in the same hand.gotai…th** ** not our way…
    库金:魁洛克简直就是个掠夺者:他以为可以把耍斧头和听从神谕之骨混为一谈。苟泰•这不是我们要走的路。gotai:no,shanman…th** ** our future!quroq!quroq!quroq!苟泰:不,萨满法师•这就是我们的未来!魁洛克!魁洛克!魁洛克万岁!alaric:ha ha ha ha…barbarians…like delirious wolves let them gorge their bellies and take their naps.when they scatter.we’ll hunt them down,one by one.




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