合金装备5 幻痛pc版怎么测试帧数


甜甜夏日 甜甜夏日
  • 切克闹 切克闹

    archer tower->marksmen tower->sharpshooter tower
    archers ready 弓手准备就绪!bullseye 正中靶心!dodge th**!来试试躲开这箭!musketeer garr**on:sniper shot+shrapnel shot
    fire at will!自由射击!locked and loaded 装弹完毕!锁定目标!one shot,one kill!百发百中!(一枪一命)
    th** ** my boomstick 这就是我的**!rangers hideout:po**on arrows+wrath of the forest
    born to be wild 为奔放而生!i see dead people 我看到了尸体!(你,已经死了!like a wh**per 如一个耳语者(悄无声息)
    barracks->footmen barracks->knights barracks
    charge!冲锋!for honor and glory 为了荣耀!for the king!为了国王!h**e at thee 你们将被击败!holy order:healing light+shield of valor+holy strike
    feel my wrath!来尝尝我的愤怒!justice served 正义由我们伸张!(话说我比较喜欢翻译成“正义服务于我”)
    let there be light!让光明普照世界!no mercy!决不仁慈!barbarian hall:throwing axes+hunting nets+more axes
    bring it on!统统来吧!killing time!杀戮时间!time for blood 淌血的时刻!to the death!战斗至死!mages->adept tower->wizard tower
    i'll put a spell on you!我将对你施展咒语!(死咒,这是我对你的唯一赠与)
    like a charm 像一段咒文
    might and magic 力量与魔法
    arcane wizard:death ray+teleport
    **ada ked**ra 阿瓦达索命
    clatto verata nikto(这个…我实在不行了)
    you shall not pass!你不能过去!(此路不通!sorcerer mage:summon elemental+polymorph
    ashes to ashes!尘归尘!(我已宣判你的死亡!back to the shadows of hell!回到地狱的阴影中去!(滚回你的地狱深渊!do or do not,there ** no try!做,或者不做,你没有尝试的机会!meeeeh 咩
    dwarven bombard->dwarven artillery->dwarven howitzer
    fully loaded 荷枪实弹
    hail to the king,baby!小子,向国王致敬!want some?get some!想要吗?那就来点儿!tesla x104:overcharge+supercharged bolt
    charged and ready!充电完毕,准备就绪!ride the lightning!驾驭闪电!toasty 烤的好香~
    500mm big bertha:cluster launcher xtreme+dragonbreath launcher
    rest in pieces!化为碎片吧!(以碎片的姿态下地狱吧!say hello to my little friend!向我的小朋友打声招呼!yippee-ki-yay,motherf*!真**爽!kill a sheep
    meeeeh 咩
    catch a f**h
    toasty 美味~
    call re**rcements
    re**rce 增援到来
    to battle 战斗!sylvan elf warriors
    by the light of the moon!月光赠予我力量!the world ** changed 这个世界,变了。sasquatch
    muuuuo 吼叫~
    sunray sorcerer
    ashes to ashes!尘归尘!(我已宣判你的死亡!




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