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    lead ** bright and silvery when freshly cut but the surface rapidly tarn**hes in air to produce the commonly observed dull luster normally associated with lead.it ** a dense,ductile,very soft,highly malleable,blu**h-white metal that has poor electrical conductivity.th** true metal ** highly res**tant to corrosion,and because of th** property,it ** used to contain corrosive liquids(e.g.,sulfuric acid).because lead ** very malleable and res**tant to corrosion it ** extensively used in building construction,e.g.,external coverings of roofing joints.lead can be toughened by addition of a small amount of antimony or other metals.all lead,except 204pb,** the end product of a complex radioactive decay.lead ** also po**onous,as are its compounds.
    lead has many **otopes but 4 stable ones.the 4 stable **otopes are204pb,206pb,207pb and 208pb with 204pb regarded as primordial pb and 206,207,208 are formed from decay of u and th.the one common radiogenic **otope,202pb,has a half-life of approximately 53,000 years.[1]
    lead has been commonly used for thousands of years because it ** widespread,easy to extract and easy to work with.it ** highly malleable and ductile as well as easy to smelt.metallic lead beads dating back to 6400 b.c.h**e been found in çatalhöyük in modern-day turkey.[7]in the early bronze age,lead was used with antimony and arsenic.lead ** mentioned in the book of exodus(15:10).
    in alchemy,lead was thought to be the oldest metal and was associated with the planet saturn.lead pipes that bear the insignia of roman emperors are still in service[citation needed]and many roman"pigs"(ingots)of lead figure in derbyshire lead mining h**tory and in the h**tory of the industry in other centers.the romans also used lead in molten form to secure iron pins that held together large limestone blocks in certain monumental buildings.lead's symbol pb ** an abbreviation of its latin name plumbum for soft metals;originally it was plumbum nigrum(literally,"black plumbum"),where plumbum candidum(literally,"bright plumbum")was tin.the words"plumbing","plumber","plumb",and"plumb-bob"also derive from th** latin root.
    production and recycling
    production and consumption of lead ** increasing worldwide.total annual production ** about 8 million tonnes;about half ** produced from recycled scrap.the top lead producing countries,as of 2008,are australia,china,usa,peru,canada,mexico,sweden,morocco,south africa and north korea.[10]australia,china and the united states account for than half of primary production.[11]
    2008 mine production:3,886,000 tonnes
    2008 metal production:8,725,000 tonnes
    2008 metal consumption:8,706,000 tonnes[12]
    at current use rates,the supply of lead ** estimated to run out in 42 years.[13]environmental analyst,lester brown,however,has suggested lead could run out within 18 years based on an extrapolation of 2%growth per year.[14]th** may need to be reviewed to take account of renewed interest in recycling,and rapid progress in fuel cell technology.
    lead ** a major constituent of the lead-acid battery used extensively as a car battery.[15]
    lead ** used as a coloring element in ceramic glazes,notably in the colors red and yellow.[16]
    lead ** used to form glazing bars for stained glass or other multi-lit windows.the practice has become less common,not for danger but for styl**tic reasons.
    lead ** frequently used in polyvinyl chloride(pvc)plastic,which coats electrical cords.[17][18]
    lead ** used as projectiles for firearms and f**hing sinkers because of its density,low cost compared to alternative products and ease of use due to relatively low melting point.[19]
    lead,or sheet-lead,** used as a sound deadening layer in such areas as wall,floor and ceiling design in sound studios where levels of airborne and mechanically produced sound are targeted for reduction or virtual elimination.[20][21]
    lead ** used in some candles to treat the wick to ensure a longer,even burn.because of the dangers,european and north american manufacturers use expensive alternatives such as zinc.[22][23]
    lead ** used as shielding from radiation(e.g.,in x-ray rooms).[24]
    molten lead ** used as a coolant(e.g.,for lead cooled fast reactors).[25]
    lead glass ** composed of 12-28%lead oxide.it changes the optical character**tics of the glass and reduces the transm**sion of radiation.[26]
    lead ** the traditional base metal of organ pipes,mixed with varying amounts of tin to control the tone of the pipe.[27][28]
    lead ** used as electrodes in the process of electrolys**.
    lead ** used in solder for electronics,although th** usage ** being phased out by some countries to reduce the amount of environmentally unfriendly waste.
    lead ** used in high voltage power cables as sheathing material to prevent water diffusion into insulation.
    lead ** added to brass to reduce machine tool wear.
    some art**ts using oil-based paints continue to use lead carbonate white,citing its properties in compar**on with the alternatives.
    lead,in the form of strips,or tape,** used for the customization of tenn** rackets.tenn** rackets of the past sometimes had lead added to them by the manufacturer to increase weight.[29]
    lead has many uses in the construction industry(e.g.,lead sheets are used as architectural metals in roofing material,cladding,flashings,gutters and gutter joints,and on roof parapets).detailed lead moldings are used as decorative motifs used to fix lead sheet.
    lead ** still widely used in statues and sculptures.
    tetra-ethyl lead ** used as an anti-knock additive for **iation fuel in p**ton driven aircraft.
    lead-based semiconductors,such as lead telluride,lead selenide and lead antimonide are finding applications in photovoltaic(solar energy)cells and infrared detectors.[30]
    lead ** often used to balance the wheels of a car;th** use ** being phased out in f**or of other materials for environmental reasons.




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