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    marlow-the main character of the story,marlow ** a sailor who revels in exploring the uncharted areas of the world.unlike the characters he meets on h** journey,marlow has not yet been"subjected"to the chaos that ** the african congo and therefore ** able to view things in a somewhat rational light.during h** journey through the congo,marlow comes to realize that the seemingly uncultured natives probably h**e sense than the white europeans who h**e come to civilize them.it ** important to note that marlow and kurtz are the only two people in the novel who are addressed by their actual names.th** ** conrad's way of showing them parallel to each other.(willard)
    kurtz ** the chief of the inner station and has become almost legendary due to h** genius and h** station's superior ivory production.marlow makes it h** goal to find kurtz because he feels they share a similar passion for the wilderness.as the novel progresses,however,it becomes apparent that kurtz ** not altogether"with it."years of living in the jungle h**e made him s**age and fanatical.it ** partly due to th** s**agery that the natives of the congo revere him as a godlike being.kurtz ** in poor health by the time marlow encounters him.heart of darkness ** a chilling tale of horror set in the congo during the period of rapid colonial expansion in the 19th century.more than a century after its publication(1899),heart of darkness remains an ind**putably classic text and argualy conrad's finest work.the story deals with the highly d**turbing effects of economic,social and political exploitation of european and african societies.
    in heart of darkness,marlow,the narrator,undertakes both an outer and an inner journey.the outer journey takes him into the heart of africa,where he encounters representatives of every colonial stripe.performing the work instead of simply reading it,scott brick emphasizes th** aspect of conrad's classic,clearly conveying class differences and a range of foreign accents,as well as pidgin.conrad's prose ** dense and complex,but brick delivers it smoothly and gracefully.however,marlow's inner journey-during which he confronts the mysterious mr.kurtz-remains too d**tant and intellectualized to fully capture the emotional charge of the moment.g.t.b.
    novella by joseph conrad,first publ**hed in 1902 with the story"youth"and thereafter publ**hed separately.the story reflects the physical and psychological shock conrad himself experienced in 1890,when he worked briefly in the belgian congo.the narrator,marlow,describes a journey he took on an african river.assigned by an ivory company to take command of a cargo boat stranded in the interior,marlow makes h** way through the treacherous forest,witnessing the brutalization of the natives by white traders and hearing tantalizing stories of a mr.kurtz,the company's most successful representative.he reaches kurtz's compound in a remote outpost only to see a row of human heads mounted on poles.in th** alien context,unbound by the strictures of h** own culture,kurtz has exchanged h** soul for a bloody sovereignty,but a mortal illness ** bringing h** reign of terror to a close.as marlow transports him downriver,kurtz delivers an arrogant and empty explanation of h** deeds as a v**ionary quest.to the narrator kurtz's dying words,"the horror!the horror!represent despair at the encounter with human depr**ity-the heart of darkness.
    pass the host's male from england to africa looks for the legendary figure database 尔 of process,the work investigated the civilization of inside pit and outward appearance,d**played the human nature dark,complications.the author tries to feel the everybody's request to the dignity through various idea,the thus latent earth's surface reaches to call to the health human**tically.




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