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远方 远方
  • 爱上月亮 爱上月亮

    唱片名称:all star:the smash hits
    艺人名称:smash mouth
    语 种:厂 牌:interscope/universal
    发行日期:2005-8-23/us 2005-9-5/uk
    音乐类型:alternative rock
    smash mouth,94年成立于加州,是一支发扬punk乐精神并发誓创造出最快乐的摇滚乐的队伍。团名的灵感来自于美式足球联盟nfl传奇巨星mike ditka形容一种强调夺球本能的运动—smash mouth football。主唱steve harwell爱听猫王、乡村乐及hip-hop,鼓手kevin coleman则从speed metal、ramones、dead kennedys一路听到sublime,贝斯手paul de l**le迷的是披头**格的摇滚乐、庞克摇滚,或是van halen、k**s、aerosmith、b-52's的音乐,吉他手greg camp则听尽60年代名不见经传的车库摇滚团或冲浪摇滚团的作品,再加上the clash及u2。steve与kevin源自街头庞克族的活力,撞上greg、paul这对音乐玩家,一种精炖烘培伽州摇滚佳肴于焉出炉,散发着hip-hop、拉丁、雷鬼、庞克、冲浪摇滚、ska、流行等不同佐料的风味,最重要的是,smash mouth找回了玩摇滚与听摇滚最基本的乐趣。smash mouth在阶段性的跑了两年场子表演后,因《nervous in the alley》获得当地最具影响力的摇滚电台kome的强力放送,跃身成为该电台创台以来首度破例播放无合约乐团,消息一传开,接下来就赢得环球音乐旗下interscope唱片公司的一纸合约,并于97年发行首张专辑《fush yu mang》,专辑发行后即踏上巡回演唱行程,与blur、sugar ray、third eye blind同台切磋,辑中首支单曲《walkin' on the sun》漂亮出击,抢先蝉连billboard现代摇榜5周冠军,接续的《why can't we be friends》则攻进现代摇滚榜top 10,专辑闯进流行专辑榜top 20且缔造双白金销售记录。并于2000年荣获当年葛莱美奖最佳流行重唱奖。smash mouth除了发行本乐队唱片之外,并更多的把自己的音乐应用到电影中去,迄今为止,smash mouth共参与了14部电影音乐的制作。其中以动画片《shrek》中的"all star"and"i'm a believer"最为听众喜欢。将于8月23日发行的精选唱片《all star:the smash hits》收录了乐队自成立以来的6张唱片的热门歌曲。1.all star
    2.walkin’on the sun
    4.beer goggles
    5.why can’t we be friends
    6.diggin’your scene
    8.then the morning comes
    9.come on,come on
    10.can’t get enough of you baby
    11.every word means no
    12.better do it right
    13.do it again
    14.holiday in my head
    15.pacific coast party
    16.i’m a believer
    17.ain’t no mystery
    18.hang on
    19.always gets her way
    20.getting better
    vbr 320kbit
    ftp:/cn808:yyfq@down3.cn808.net/allenfromuk/[8.12]/smash mouth_all star the smash hits-[www.yy11.cn]_part1.rar
    ftp:/cn808:yyfq@down3.cn808.net/allenfromuk/[8.12]/smash mouth_all star the smash hits-[www.yy11.cn]_part2.rar
    ftp:/cn808:yyfq@down3.cn808.net/allenfromuk/[8.12]/smash mouth_all star the smash hits-[www.yy11.cn]_part3.rar
    all star
    somebody once told me the world ** gonna roll me
    i ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
    she was lookin kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb
    in the shape of an"l"on her forehead
    well,the years start coming and they don't stop coming
    head to the rules and i hit the ground running
    didn't make sense not to live for fun,
    your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
    so much to do so much to see
    so what's wrong with takin the backstreets
    you'll never know if you don't go
    you'll never shine if you don't glow
    hey now,you're an all star,get your game on,go play
    hey now,you're a rock star,get the show on,get paid,
    and all that glitters ** gold
    only shootin stars(break the mold)
    it's a cool place,and they say it gets colder
    you're bundled up now,wait till you get older
    but the media men beg to differ
    judging by the hole in the satellite picture
    the ice we skate ** gettin pretty thin
    the water's gettin warm so you might as well swim
    my world's on fire,how about yours?cuz that's the way i like it and i never get bored
    somebody once asked could i spare some change for gas
    i need to get myself away from th** place
    i said yep,what a concept,i could use a little fuel myself
    and we could all use a little change
    and all that glitters ** gold
    only shootin stars break the mold

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