
了了 了了
  • 长不大的狼孩 长不大的狼孩

    歌曲名:he**en torn asunder(live)
    歌手:cradle of filth
    专辑:evermore darkly
    he**en torn asunder
    devildom voyeurs
    ascend to smother the light
    nascent aeons confer.
    chaos ** spat
    from the black eternal sea
    serrated mountains of mad shadows
    carving towards m**deed
    stormchoirs gather
    a pestilential h**s
    sunset evokes luciferian fire
    the skies are ruptured like a knifed orifice
    supernal vestments hang tattered
    cathedrals shriek to pulpit oratory
    invasions scale babel's ivory towers
    po**ed to sodom**e a world upon it's knees
    we are as a flame born unto the darkness
    desires burning in palatial glades
    and virtues once aloof,now worming beneath us
    shalt see their children,pleasuring as sl**es.
    attack!wreak atrocities on those we h**e desp**ed
    judgements be riven,from the skies
    darkness empower let us master prophecy
    fulfilling destiny-the prom**ed fever
    bedizens eyes paralysed with blasphemy
    written in flesh across the howling ether
    spread the bl**s of th** lupercalia
    with stars erased,throw wide the gates
    the infidel soon unmasks her face
    neath silken shroud she waxes horn
    sharpened to skewer dawn.
    i am as a plague,born to the priestess
    jaded-eyed when my lovers,possessed
    screamed out their agonies,upon the stake
    victory spent breathe deep benighted scent
    wreak atrocities on those we h**e desp**ed
    judgements be riven,from the skies
    darkness empower let us master prophecy
    fulfilling destiny-the prom**ed fever
    bedizens eyes paralysed with blasphemy
    written in flesh across the howling ether
    the most august sorcerers of hades
    darkly seized for me a throne
    and the upra**ed scythe so terribly scribed
    vengeance in jesuit blood on stone
    from th** ransacked celestial temple
    i hold the prophet's severed head unto all nations
    tremble before us
    lords of the star-veiled red sepulchres
    rushing deathwards,our tartarean fires
    kindle pandemonia to furnace the earth
    our voices are opened gr**es
    through which the never-dead escape
    from dank,abyssic dream
    pursuing ascendancy.
    stormchoirs gather
    a pestilential h**s
    sunset evokes luciferian fire
    the skies are ruptured like a knifed orifice
    supernal vestments hang tattered
    cathedrals shriek to pulpit oratory
    invasions scale babel's ivory towers
    po**ed to sodom**e a world upon it's knees
    the enemy has held three seasons
    imparad**ed,whilst we writhed
    to psycho-dramas penned by aerial decree
    now freed to plunder.

  • dnf85版本80狂战异界装备选择

    提问时间:2024-04-29 11:40:56


  • dnf狂战85级刷图装备

    提问时间:2024-04-29 05:58:28

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    提问时间:2024-04-29 00:03:01


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    提问时间:2024-04-29 09:58:58


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    提问时间:2024-04-29 21:32:16


  • dnf狂战士刷图装备选择问题

    提问时间:2024-04-29 14:22:40


  • 剑魂85版本刷图装备选择。求nb**指教!

    提问时间:2024-04-29 08:58:45


  • 85版本剑魂刷图武器选择

    提问时间:2024-04-29 07:21:06

    努力做吧镇魂吧 其实不难做。手刷的过就手刷 不然就让飞机带 3图扔无色。差不多一个月就能搞定,镇魂短剑其实真的不错 你值得拥有。全手打 求采纳!

  • 85版狂战50级刷图带什么装备

    提问时间:2024-04-29 05:18:56


  • 地下城85版本中,狂战装备,称号选择。。。。怎么做。。。。

    提问时间:2024-04-29 01:01:52





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