

遥想当年少年勇 遥想当年少年勇
  • 小骨 小骨

    hide-and-seek or hide-and-go-seek ** a variant of the game tag,in which a number of players conceal themselves in the environment,to be found by one or more"seekers".
    numerous variants of the game can be found worldwide.in some variations players may move to other hiding spots while"it"**n't looking,and those who can remain hidden the longest are considered to be the best players.
    in a active variant,hide and seek can be combined with the game of tag.instead of"it"simply spotting players,he or she has to tag them instead to get them out.hiders can make a dash for 'home base',which ** usually a landmark where whoever **"it"counts off.touching the base area makes a hider safe,and the aim of the game ** to touch base without being tagged."it"continues to search for hiders and if he/she finds none then he ** it again in the next game.if however,he finds and tags someone before they are able to touch base,he calls out in a loud and repeated fashion"all ye all ye outs in free","all ye,all ye,in come free",or where the call has been changed and slurred"olly olly oxen free!which means a new it has been tagged and all the other hiders are safe to return to base.
    also may be known as pom pom home by school children in berkshire(uk),which may be a variant of pom pom runaway,as outlined below.
    in sweden,a variant of th** game ** called"burken"(the can),known in as"kick the can."here,the person who's"it"has to search for the other players and,if someone ** found,run back to home base,get there before the other player and call out that persons name.the first player to be tagged in th** way **"it"in the next round.however,if the last player remaining can make it to home-base without being tagged and yell"burken är sparkad.1,2,3"("the can ** kicked.1,2,3.")the person who's currently"it"has to be"it"in the next round as well.
    another form similar to the above game involves tagged players becoming another"it".rather than h**ing a base,the aim ** simply to survive as long as possible without being tagged,and the last one to not be tagged ** the winner.
    a derivative game ** called sardines.in th** variant,only one person hides and the others must then find the person that's hiding and hide with them.the last person to find the group that's hiding ** the loser.if playing indoors,turning the lights off may make it easier to hide large groups of people.a.m.burrage calls th** version of the game 'smee' in h** 1931 ghost story of the same name.[1]
    yet another derivative game,similar to sardines,** bloody murder.as in sardines,in th** variant,only one person hides,while all other players search for the hiding"it".once"it"** found,the player who spots"it"shouts out the phrase"bloody murder!.the game then becomes a game of tag.all players must run to"home base"and the last person that"it"tags becomes the next"it".
    another name to call it ** yaki 123,where there ** a home base in which the person who ** it guards but has to also look for the players,the hiders try to make their way to the home base either undetected or if seen by the person who ** it must get to homebase before them and call out yaki 123.the hiders who are victorious h**e to stay near homebase til the end of the game,but they can also help the other hiders by d**tracting the person who **"it".
    in andhra pradesh,a variant of hide-and-seek ** played in the name of daagudu mootalu.

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