

岁月无心 岁月无心
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    give out
    1.send out(sound or light,etc.)产生(声音、光等);散发
    the sun gives out light and heat to the earth.太阳给大地以光和热。roses give out a sweet smell.玫瑰花发出芬芳的气息。2.d**tribute 分给;散发
    the ** gives out payments to people out of work.**给失业的人发放救济金。give out the **s ten minutes before the examination.考前10分钟发试卷。the children g**e out flowers to the soldiers.儿童向战士们献了鲜花。we saw a man giving out leaflets in the street.我们看到一个人在街上散发传单。3.announce;declare;make known 宣布;公布;发表
    he has refused to give out any further **rmation on the matter.他拒绝就这一问题发表任何更多的消息。he g**e out that the mayor had been elected.他宣布新市长已经选出。the news of the event was given out over the radio.关于这个事件的消息已通过电台发布了。it was given out that the strikers had decided to return to work,and place their d**pute in the hands of their union.据宣布,**者已决定复工,并决定将其争端交给工会解决。the result of the examination will be given out th** week.考试成绩将在本周公布。4.be used up;become exhausted用完;耗尽;力竭
    when their ammunition g**e out the enemy troops had to surrender.当**用完时,敌军只好投降。h** strength g**e out after he ran that long d**tance.跑完这么一段长距离,他已精疲力竭。we had just reached home when the petrol g**e out.我们刚好到家,汽油用光了。h** patience g**e out long ago.他的耐心早已消磨殆尽。5.stop functioning 停止运转;出故障;抛锚
    we were ten miles from shanghai when the engine g**e out.我们在离上海还有10英里时,发动机坏了。give away
    1.give as a present 赠给
    he g**e away all h** books before death.他临死前献出了他的全部书籍。he g**e all h** possessions away and became a monk.他把所有的财产都送给了别人,自己出家当了修士。the millionaire g**e all h** money away.这位百万富翁把他所有的钱都捐出来了。2.reveal 泄露
    don't give away our secret.不要泄露我们的秘密。they suspected that the secret had been given away by one of their friends.他们怀疑秘密已被他们的一个朋友所泄露。she's not giving away anything he told her.他告诉她的事,她一点儿也没有泄露。3.betray 出卖*he was given away by a traitor.他被一个叛徒出卖了。nobody knows i've done th**,so please don't give me away.没有人知道我干了这件事,所以请你不要出卖我。4.d**tribute 分发*the guest g**e away the prizes.客人分发了礼品。the headmaster g**e away the prizes at the sports meeting.市长在运动会上颁发奖品。5.(in a marriage ceremony)lead the bride to the groom's side and give her to him(在婚礼上)把新娘带到新郎身边并交给他
    the bride was given away by her father.新娘由其父亲领着交给了新郎。give off
    release esp.a liquid,gas or smell散发(液体、气体等)
    boiling water gives off steam.开水产生蒸汽。if you don't shower often,your body will give off an unpleasant odor.如果你不经常淋浴,你的身体就会散发出一股难闻的味道。

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