
慢慢酱 慢慢酱
  • 想拥有你一辈子 想拥有你一辈子

    1775年12月的一个月夜,寓居巴黎的年轻医生梅尼特散步时,突然被厄弗里蒙地侯爵兄弟强迫出诊。在侯爵府第中,他目睹一个发狂的绝色农妇和一个身受剑伤的少年饮恨而死的惨状,并获悉侯爵兄弟为了片刻**乐杀害他们全家的内情。他拒绝侯爵兄弟的重金贿赂,写信向朝廷告发。不料控告信落到被告人手中,医生被关进巴士底狱,从此与世隔绝,杳无音讯。两年后,妻子心碎而死。幼小的孤女路茜被好友劳雷接到伦敦,在善良的女仆普洛斯抚养下长大。18年后,梅尼特医生获释。这位精神失常的白发老人被巴黎圣安东尼区的一名酒贩、他旧日的仆人得伐石收留。这时,女儿路茜已经成长,专程接他去英国居住。旅途上,他们邂逅法国青年查理·代尔纳,受到他的细心照料。原来代尔纳就是侯爵的儿子。他憎恨自己家族的罪恶,毅然放弃财产的继承权和贵族的姓氏,移居伦敦,当了一名法语教师。在与梅尼特父女的交往中,他对路茜产生了真诚的爱情。梅尼特为了女儿的幸福,决定埋葬过去,欣然同意他们的婚事。在法国,代尔纳父母相继去世,叔父厄弗里蒙地侯爵继续为所欲为。当他那狂载的马车若无其事地轧死一个农民的孩子后,终于被孩子父亲用刀杀死。一场**的风暴正在酝酿之中,得伐石的酒店就是**活动的联络点,他的妻子不停地把贵族的**编织成不同的花纹,记录在围巾上,渴望复仇。1739年法国大**的风暴终于袭来了。巴黎人民攻占了巴士底狱,把贵族一个个送上断头台。远在伦敦的代尔纳为了营救管家盖白勒,冒险回国,一到巴黎就被捕入狱。梅尼特父女闻讯后星夜赶到。医生的出庭作证使代尔纳回到妻子的身边。可是,几小时后,代尔纳又被逮捕。在法庭上,得伐石宣读了当年医生在狱中写下的**:向苍天和大地控告厄弗里蒙地家族的最后一个人。法庭判处代尔纳死刑。就在这时,一直暗暗爱慕路茜的律师助手卡尔登来到巴黎,买通狱卒,混入监狱,顶替了昏迷中的代尔纳,梅尼特父女早已准备就绪,代尔纳一到,马上出发。一行人顺利地离开法国。得伐石太太在代尔纳被判决后,又到梅尼特住所搜捕路茜及其**,在与普洛斯的争斗中,因**走火而毙命。而断头台上,卡尔登为了爱情,从容献身。a tale of two cities(1859)** a h**torical novel by charles dickens.the plot centres on the years leading up to the french revolution and culminates in the jacobin reign of terror.it tells the story of two men,charles darnay and sydney carton,who look similar but are very different in personality.darnay ** a romantic french ar**tocrat,while carton ** a cynical barr**ter.however,the two are in love with the same woman,lucie manette.
    other major characters in the book include dr.alexandre manette(lucie's father),who was unjustly impr**oned in the infamous bastille for many years under a lettre de cachet,and madame defarge,a female revolutionary with a grudge against the evrémonde family.
    plot summary
    [edit]book the first:recalled to life
    jarv** lorry tr**els to dover to meet a young woman,lucie manette,in 1775.when he arrives,he **rms her that her father,doctor manette,whom she previously believed to be dead,has actually been incarcerated as a pr**oner in par** for the past eigh** years,and has recently been released by the french **.tellson’s bank ** sending lorry to identify the doctor(who had been one of tellson’s clients)and bring him to england.the news upsets lucie greatly;he tries to comfort her,but m**s pross takes over when she fears he has frightened lucie too much.
    the story shifts abruptly to saint antoine,a suburb of par**,where a cask of wine accidentally splits and spills on the ground.the poor seize the unexpected windfall,jubilantly drinking the wine off the street.watching the degradation in d**gust ** defarge,the owner of a wineshop and leader of a band of revolutionaries.afterwards,she goes back into her shop and talks to a group of fellow revolutionaries,who call each other"jacques".
    mr.lorry and lucie manette arrive and defarge takes them to h** apartment to see dr.manette.the doctor **,to all appearances,completely mad.he sits in a dark room all day making shoes,as he did while in pr**on.lucie takes him to england.
    [edit]book the second:the golden thread
    five years later(1780),dr.manette has recovered from h** ordeal.french emigre charles darnay ** tried at the old bailey for spying.those testifying against him are a john barsad and a roger cly,who claim that he had been reporting on troops in north america to the french.dr.manette and h** daughter vouch for darnay because he had sailed with them on their voyage to england.in the end,darnay ** acquitted because the witnesses are unable to tell him apart from junior defense counsel sydney carton,who bears a striking resemblance to him.carton ** depicted unflatteringly as a drunkard;conversely darnay ** set out as a handsome,gallant victim of a deficient brit**h legal process.carton becomes enamoured with lucie and jealous of darnay.
    in par**,the marqu** st.evrémonde,darnay's uncle,** returning from an audience with monseigneur,one of the 'greatest lords in france',when h** coach runs over and kills the son of the peasant gaspard;he throws a coin to gaspard to compensate him for h** loss;in the assembled crowd ** the implacable tricoteuse,madame defarge.she throws the money back,enraging the marqu** and leading him to exclaim that he would willingly kill any of the peasants of france.
    on h** way back to h** château,the marqu** passes through a village,where a road mender tells him that he saw a man clinging to the bottom of h** carriage.the marqu** has h** servant investigate,but no one ** found.
    darnay returns to france to meet h** uncle.their political positions are diametrically opposed:darnay ** a democrat,while the marqu** ** an adherent of the ancien régime.the marqu** ** portrayed as a cruel,heartless nobleman:
    repression ** the only lasting philosophy.the dark deference of fear and sl**ery,my friend,"observed the marqu**,"will keep the dogs obedient to the whip,as long as th** roof,"looking up to it,"shuts out the sky.
    that night,gaspard,the man who had ridden underneath the carriage,murders the marqu** in h** sleep.gaspard ** later captured and hanged for h** crime.
    returning to england,darnay asks dr.manette for h** consent to marry lucie.he ** not the only suitor however.both stryver,carton's patron(by way of comic relief)and,seriously,carton himself,are captivated by her.carton ** the only one who reveals h** feelings directly to lucie-stryver ** convinced of the futility of h** aspirations,and darnay proposes the marriage to dr.manette.when carton confesses h** love to lucie,he admits he ** incapable of making her happy;she has inspired him to lead a better life,but he lacks the energy to follow through.however,he prom**es to"embrace any sacrifice"for her or one that she loves.meanwhile,darnay agrees to reveal h** true surname to dr.manette on the morning of h** marriage to lucie.
    in par**,monsieur and madame defarge foment jacobin sympathies.madame defarge takes the long view,as opposed to her hu**and,who ** impatient to bring on the revolution.they learn,from an **rmant within the police,that a spy ** to be quartered in saint antoine.he ** john barsad,one of those who had given false testimony against darnay.the following morning,barsad enters the defarges' wine shop,but madame defarge recognizes him from the description she had been given.barsad acts as an agent provocateur and tries to lead her into d**cussing the impending execution of the unfortunate gaspard.in the course of the conversation,he mentions that darnay ** to be married to lucie manette.
    on the morning of the marriage,darnay,at dr.manette's request,reveals who h** family **,a detail which dr.manette had asked him to withhold until then.unfortunately,th** unhinges dr.manette,who reverts to h** obsessive shoemaking.h** sanity ** restored before lucie returns from her honeymoon;to prevent a further relapse,lorry destroys the shoemaking bench which dr.manette had brought with him from france.
    later,in mid-july 1789,jarv** lorry v**its the darnays and tells them of the uneasiness in par**.the scene cuts to the saint antoine fauborg for the storming of the bastille,with the defarges in the lead.with the hated pr**on in revolutionary hands,defarge enters dr.manette's former cell.he uncovers a manuscript which the inmate had written during h** confinement,hidden by that same inmate on the inside of a chimney,condemning the evrémondes,pere et fils(father and son),for h** wrongful impr**onment and the destruction of h** family.
    in the summer of 1792,a letter ** delivered to tellson's bank,addressed to the heir of the marqu** of evrémonde.the letter recounts the news of the impr**onment of one of the marqu**' retainers,gabelle,and beseeches the new marqu** to come to h** aid.by chance,though the bank ** unaware of h** identity,darnay receives the letter.he makes plans to tr**el to par**,where the reign of terror ** running its bloody course,blithely indifferent to the danger.lorry ** sent on ahead with a(cryptic)** to the impr**oned gabelle that he ** on h** way.
    [edit]book the third:the track of a storm
    in beauva**,erstwhile home of dr.manette,darnay ** denounced by the revolutionaries as an emigrant,an ar**tocrat,and a traitor.h** military escort takes him to par**,where he ** impr**oned.dr.manette and lucie along with m**s pross,jerry cruncher,and the daughter of charles and lucie darnay,"little lucie",le**e london for par** and meet with mr.lorry.dr.manette tries to use h** influence as a well-known former pr**oner of the bastille to h**e h** son-in-law freed.he manages to protect darnay on the night that mobs kill thousands of less-fortunate pr**oners.after a year and three months,dr.manette successfully defends darnay at h** trial.however,that evening,darnay ** put on trial again,under new charges brought by the defarges and one unnamed other.
    while m**s pross and mr.cruncher are on their way to the market,they stop at a t**ern to buy wine.there,m**s pross finds her long-lost brother,solomon pross,now a revolutionary official.neither ** happy with the meeting.jerry cruncher then recognizes him as john barsad.sydney carton,to their surpr**e,joins the party and confirms th**.he then blackmails solomon pross,telling him that he knows that he ** a spy,as he had overheard h** ...

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