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布克 布克
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    展开全部《lost boy》歌手ruth b
    there was a time when i was alone
    nowhere to go and no
    place to call home
    my only friend was the man in the moon
    and even
    sometimes he would go away,too
    then one night,as i closed my eyes
    saw a shadow flying high
    he came to me with the sweetest smile
    told me he
    wanted to talk for awhile
    he said,"peter pan—that's what they call me.
    prom**e that you'll never be lonely.
    and ever since that day.
    i am
    a lost boy from neverland
    usually hanging out with peter pan
    and when
    we're bored we play in the woods
    always on the run from captain hook
    run,lost boy,"they say to me.
    away from all of reality
    neverland **
    home to lost boys like me
    and lost boys like me are free
    he sprinkled
    me in pixie dust and told me to believe
    believe in him and believe in
    together we will fly away in a cloud of green
    to your beautiful
    as we soared above the town that never loved me
    i realized i
    finally had a family
    soon enough we reached neverland
    peacefully my feet
    hit the sand
    and ever since that day.
    i am a lost boy from
    usually hanging out with peter pan
    and when we're bored we play
    in the woods
    always on the run from captain hook
    run,run,lost boy,
    they say to me.
    away from all of reality
    neverland ** home to lost
    boys like me
    and lost boys like me are free
    peter pan,tinker bell,
    wendy darling
    even captain hook
    you are my perfect story
    neverland,i love you so,
    you are now my home sweet home
    forever a
    lost boy at last
    and for always i will say.
    i am a lost boy from
    usually hanging out with peter pan
    and when we're bored we play
    in the woods
    always on the run from captain hook
    run,run,lost boy,
    they say to me.
    away from all of reality
    neverland ** home to lost
    boys like me
    and lost boys like me are free




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