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  • 苔条年糕 苔条年糕

    our country insurance market transaction cost ex**tence r**e's tendency does not f**or enhances the insurance market the resources deployment efficiency.under the present market condition,affects the insurance market transaction cost change the factor mainly to h**e the **rmation asymmetrical degree,insurance business nature,insurance market system's perfect degree,market competition condition and insurance superv**ion and so on.controls and reduces the transaction cost not only to h**e the improvement insurance company to manage the achievements the general sense,and has the special significance which the adaptation insurance business law of development urges itself to grow expands.our country insurance market should through the optimized system design,the strengthened insurance superv**ion,develop the insurance vigorously intermediary and the full d**play market mechan**m function achieves the control transaction cost the goal.
    although the insurance business transaction costquestion has not aroused domestic insurance industry too many interests at present,but our country insurance market transaction cost's development present situation ** actually not allow to neglect.a prominentquestion ** our country insurance market transaction cost d**plays the trend of escalation,th** tendency does not conform to our country to insure the marketability the objective and the starting point,does not f**or our country insurance market resources deployment efficiency the** urgently needs us to study our country insurance market transaction cost the influencing factor and proposes the corresponding control mentality.
    first,insurance market transaction cost limits
    (one)transaction cost and economical achievements
    the social product enters the expense process by the production process to h**e two form cost consumptions generally,one kind ** the production cost;one kind ** the transaction cost,the enterpr**e balanced ** these two kind of cost combined action result.the production cost ** uses in the product directly(and service)production process resources and so on each kind of personnel consumptions,the production cost may shift to the new product,forms the new product the value.the transaction cost ** in each kind of transaction activity the time,the manpower and the money consumption,what ** different with the production cost,the transaction cost ** also each resources consumption freely,but th** kind of consumption cannot increase the new product the value.
    in order to achieve the transaction,the people must come in and go out each kind of market,collects each kind of **rmation,understood that the product the quality and the relative price,carry on the negotiations,the consultation and the examination to transaction each detail,the sign agreement and the inspector general opposite party fulfillment,sometimes even must undertake the corresponding loss,all these activities must cost the suitable time,the energy and the money,these consumptions are the transaction cost categories.renowned econom**t zhang wuchang pointed out that the transaction cost mainly includes the **rmation cost,the negotiations cost,to draw up with the implementation contract cost,the limits and the control property right cost,the management by superv**ion cost and the system structural change brief,occurs including all in the physical production process ** purely not directly between the swapper for the cost which achieves(or gives up)trading consumes.
    what because the consumer regards to each product's purchase ** product own value,but the transaction cost does not increase the product the value,also does not increase consumer's effectiveness,therefore embarks from resources deployment's optimum efficiency,the ideal condition ** the transaction cost ** zero.but in the actual transaction activity,the transaction cost impossible ** zero,because the transaction cost has the stratification plane which associates in the human and the human,in the contact process,weilianmusen thought that person's rationality ** limited,the economic environment ** also indefinite,in addition property special-purpose as well as trades person's speculative motive ex**tence,the transaction cost ** always bigger than zero the positive number.therefore,weilianmusen analogies vividly the transaction cost as the economic world friction force.
    in the transaction cost for the condition,each economic resource d**position's pareto efficiency does not ex**t,one resources deployment way other resources deployment way effective ** also not because it eliminated the transaction cost,but because its transaction cost ** lower than,also therefore,diligently reduces the transaction cost to become ra**es the resources deployment efficiency,to guarantee the economical achievements in the topic righteousness.
    (two)insurance market transaction cost
    common si jiang trades divides into the market the transaction,organization's transaction and the management transaction,the market transaction occurs between the market transaction person,organization's transaction occurs in the organization,the management transaction occurs between the ** and the management object.common si dui trades the div**ion ** also suitable for to the insurance market transaction div**ion,and determines the corresponding transaction cost type.
    first,regarding insurance contract's sign and the execution,the policy holder and the insurer must carry on trades many times communicates the **rmation,the solution difference,to achieve the mutual recognition.therefore,both sides must cost the corresponding time,the energy even money,th** ** between the insurer and policy holder's transaction cost.
    next,because insurance company's activity has the strong exterior nature,to guarantee that policy holder's benefit,the ** must carry on the superv**ion to insurance company's management and operation.also has“the transaction”in the insurance company and between the superv**ion organization regarding the superv**ion and the corresponding transaction cost.

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