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    put on the gloves supplied cover your clothing with an old towel.
    戴上手套并用旧毛巾遮住衣物。unscrew the nozzle of the developer lotion bottle.
    旋开(不是拧断)调配乳液(developer lotion)瓶的瓶口。pierce the colour creme tube with the reverse of the cap and carefully squeeze contents in to the developer bottle
    用瓶冒反面将染色膏(colour creme)的封口扎开然后小心地把染色剂挤到乳液瓶里去。then close the developer bottle and shake vigorously until all components are thoroughly mixed and of a smooth creamy cons**tency finally tw**t off the tip of the developer bottle nozzle and immediately start the application as follows
    apply the preared colour mixture directly from developer bottle onto dry.unwashed hair.
    把已经调好的染发剂直接从瓶子里倒在没有洗过的干发上即可。th** application ** recommended if:
    you are colouring your hair permanently for the first time,or
    you are previous hair colour has comeplately grown out.
    您第一次染头发或者您之前的染发已经完全长没了。apply the preared colour mixture evenly from the roots to the ends of your hair and massage in thoroughly.
    le**e shade 11and 15 for which a development time of 45 minutes
    ** necessary for the first application
    11和15号染剂在初次使用时应让染发剂在头发上停留45分钟。t** application ** necessary.if
    your hair ** already permanebtly coloured and a re-growth ** v**-ible.
    the ends of your hair are darker or poor condition.
    您已经进行过染发了,但是新发已经长出可见,或发尖脱色掉色。using the gloves provided,apply approximately two thirds of the colour mixture throughout the whole regrowth area,massaging it into the roots with your fingertips.
    使用提供的手套,用大约三分之二的染色剂就可以遍及所有的新长出发的区域,用指尖将染色剂涂抹到发根即可。le**e the colour mixture to develop for 20minutes.them.apply the remaining mixture to the midlengths and ends of your hair and le**e to develop for a further 10 minutes.
    让染色剂停留在头发上20分钟,然后将剩下的染发剂涂到中等长度的头发上和发根上,再保持10分钟。for shades 11 and 15 we recommend a development time of 35 minutesfor the regowth area and a further 15 minutes for the rest of the hair.at rhe end of the development time,apply warm water to the hair and work into a lather.then rinse thoroughly until the water runs clear.




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