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    sir winston churchill
    in full sir winston leonard spencer churchill
    born nov.30,1874,blenheim palace,oxfordshire,eng.
    died jan.24,1965,london
    winston churchill,photographed by yousuf karsh,1941.
    © karsh/woodfin camp and associates
    brit**h statesman,orator,and author who as prime min**ter(1940–45,1951–55)rallied the brit**h people during world war ii and led h** country from the brink of defeat to victory.
    after a sensational r**e to prominence in national politics before world war i,churchill acquired a reputation for erratic judgment in the war itself and in the decade that followed.politically suspect in consequence,he was a lonely figure until h** response to adolf hitler's challenge brought him to leadership of a national coalition in 1940.with franklin d.roosevelt and joseph stalin he then shaped allied strategy in world war ii,and after the breakdown of the alliance he alerted the west to the expansion**t(扩张主义者)threat of the soviet union.he led the conservative party back to office in 1951 and remained prime min**ter until 1955,when ill health forced h** resignation.
    sensational:arousing or intended to arouse strong curiosity,interest,or reaction,especially by exaggerated or lurid details:耸人听闻的引起或有意引起强烈的好奇、兴趣或反应的,尤其指用夸张的或过分渲染的细节
    erratic:deviating from the customary course in conduct or opinion;eccentric 古怪的在行为与观点上与习惯的作法偏离;偏执的
    coalition:an alliance,especially a temporary one,of people,factions,parties,or nations.联盟人民、派别、政党或**的联合,尤指暂时联合
    in churchill's veins ran the blood of both of the speaking peoples whose unity,in peace and war,it was to be a constant purpose of h** to promote.through h** father,lord randolph churchill,the meteoric tory politician,he was directly descended from john churchill,1st duke of marlborough,the hero of the wars against lou** xiv of france in the early 18th century.h** mother,jennie jerome,a noted beauty,was the daughter of a new york financier and horse racing enthusiast,leonard w.jerome.
    the young churchill passed an unhappy and sadly neglected childhood,redeemed only by the affection of mrs.everest,h** devoted nurse.at harrow h** conspicuously poor academic record seemingly justified h** father's dec**ion to enter him into an army career.it was only at the third attempt that he managed to pass the entrance examination to the royal military college,now academy,sandhurst,but,once there,he applied himself seriously and passed out(graduated)20th in a class of 130.in 1895,the year of h** father's tragic death,he entered the 4th hus**.initially the only prospect of action was in cuba,where he spent a couple of months of le**e reporting the cuban war of independence from spain for the daily graphic(london).in 1896 h** regiment(团,大群)went to india,where he saw service as both soldier and journal**t on the north-west frontier(1897).expanded as the story of the malakand field force(1898),h** d**patches attracted such wide attention as to launch him on the career of authorship that he intermittently pursued throughout h** life.in 1897–98 he wrote s**rola(1900),a ruritanian romance,and got himself attached to lord kitchener's nile expeditionary force in the same dual role of soldier and correspondent.the river war(1899)brilliantly describes the campaign.
    redeem:to s**e from a state of sinfulness and its consequences.
    to relegate to a specific destination or send on specific business.派遣;发送送到特定的目的地或分派特定任务

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