魔兽世界wlk版本的tbc 战场装备还有的吗?? 还有80的武器在哪里换?? 战场的!!


十蒿 十蒿
  • 凤梨 凤梨

    too long i've lived.我活了太久
    too much i've seen.见过了太多事
    th** planet,our host,这个星球,我们的宿主
    once so wild and unknown.曾经充满了荒凉与未知
    we've mapped it,p**ed it,我们运筹帷幄,铺路开道
    arranged it on a grid,把一切安排的井井有条
    never imagining却从未想过
    that something else was watching us,还有别的生命在注视着我们
    a creature even ruthless and predacious than we are一种比我们更凶残的食肉猛兽
    eager to exploit the very infrastructure正虎视眈眈地觊觎着
    we so obliging arranged我们辛勤建立起来的家园
    ** the war already lost?这场战役已经失败了吗?are we destined to becattle for monsters?我们是否注定要成为那些怪兽的盘中餐?or,now that the enemy has finally shown h** face或者,既然敌人最终展露了真实面目
    do we h**e a fighting chance?我们是否还有奋力一战的机会?the world today ** not what it was one week ago.相比一周前,现在已是恍如隔世
    what will it be one week from now?那么一周后又会怎样?one month from now?一月之后呢?nothing ** written that cannot be changed.世间一切皆有可能
    it ** a small world,after all.这世界终究太小
    we made it that way.是我们一手造就的




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