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    defend the rad**h"** a"world development by developers."the cute style tower defense game,easy to use,good for both young and old,built new guidance.the game contains rich level and theme package,a variety of defensive towers h**e their own style,monsters and name greatly sound setting and funny and interesting to increase the fun of the game.game player can also collect items and monsters,get achievement.
    after a long wait,"defend the rad**h 2:polar adventure"has been in beijing early morning of november 21,2013 released on the line,once again set off a w**e of adorable line tower defense game!when the domestic users can directly through the app store or pp helper free installation download.
    the game features
    1,105 levels,5 sets of exqu**ite theme package,from the sky to the jungle,desert,and to the sea![3]
    defend the rad**h"game
    defend the rad**h"game.(18)
    2,35 extreme mode,the hidden barriers
    3,16 off the one and only innovation mode of boss map,let defense by the time minigame play tricks,play fun
    4,18 unique style tower,tower,sunflower,f**hbone poo tower,anchor tower.more tricks
    5,the baby fell,collecting into the tower defense game super adorable adorable,in defending the rad**h can also collect monsters and treasure,20 beautiful strange monster egg
    6 new monsters,cultivation system,the collection of monster eggs hatch into adorable baby dead monster,ra**e will unlock hidden map
    the obstacle map 7,exqu**ite,many hidden treasure and surpr**e
    8,70+funny monsters,they h**e a strange name:woowala,pinky ninja,tw**ty fork.
    9,100+funny sound,each monster and tower will be **sued a unique and interesting sound
    10,each level only 15-25 w**e,a little time can play fun
    11,support game center,achievement
    the game play
    th** ** a beautiful packing tower defense game.the task ** to defend the good rad**h,don't let it get from eating.each rad**h with 10 of the blood of the value of life,that ** 10 times by the monster"bite"opportunity,the life value ** 0,the failure of the m**sion.each topic ** provided with three kinds of monsters:little minions,the volume and speed are general.flying monsters,speed,volume ** thin.the last round of attack monster,blood ** very thick,but the mobile speed ** very slow.
    the operation ** very simple,just click on the map in the idle area could accommodate turret,and in the course of the game,each turret h**e continued to upgrade two times to reach the top,upgraded not only shape changes,the output will become powerful.don't look at the various settings in the game are lovely fan,but all of them h**e extraordinary power,bias output type(magic ball and gasoline bottle)or intervention(deceleration poop and frozen stars),long d**tance attack,large group attack(sun),and a fan with a piece of the fly leaf and full screen.
    in the game each map littered with props,different themes with respective character**tics of props,such as in the sky theme,scattered on the map of the clouds,rainbow,hot air balloon,not because of its adorable cartoon style,could not bear to know clear,clean these props will not only extend the **ailable terrain,also won 50 or gold.each round of the game to clear all the props,but also h**e higher scores.in boss mode,may receive other props.




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