
浅鹿 浅鹿
  • 熊小黑 熊小黑

    when socrates met confucius-from the death of socrates and confucius,chinese and western legal tradition
    ladies and gentlemen,good afternoon!i am from suzhou university,cw chu college of law 2013 professional sun qihua.'m standing here speaking,i feel very honored.my topic today ** that when confucius,socrates encounters-from the death of socrates and confucius,chinese and western legal tradition.
    socrates ** the ancient greek draconian m**chief,marked the beginning of the democratic system of the victim.day in 399 bc,typical citizen assembly to"blasphemy"and"confused youth crime,"sentenced socrates to death.at that time,socrates could h**e against the death penalty but socrates refused to do so,but after making a passionate defense,heroic deaths.he claimed that,despite the assessment of sentence was wrongly decided,but as a citizen,but no reason not to follow it.
    confucius 's death ** a microcosm of social unrest in the spring and autumn.and socrates ** similar to old age confucius desolation."oneself"the ideal dashed,society ** not only lackluster,but worse than ever.relive the conquest,scene of utter desolation.confucius elderly suffered d****ment d**couraged and helpless hero dusk.
    socrates firmly believe that h**tory ** the supremacy of law,justice,and fair.the first ** the conscience of people who obey the law.** a citizen 's duty to obey the law and accountability,but also a civic duty for the city.in h** mind,the people for h** referee ** the product of the collective w**dom and rationality,authoritative,even though he himself understand that th** ruling was unjust,he still would not choose to escape pun**hment.
    confucius advocated reiji,he advocates ** both ritual practices sages freedom,both shurei illegal exception.h** political order based on the specified manners,that morality as a framework to build.but the law ** an adjunct pun**hment should be prescribed only for its content penalty ** a violation of the ceremony after the pun**hment should be.confucius 's legal view,** to allow the ex**tence of exceptions.
    it seems that the choices made helpless socrates confucius there ** perhaps simply unnecessary.socrates confusion,may be able to find answers from confucius.ultimately,it ** the differences between eastern and western legal culture.western advocates the rule of law,advocates rigid obedience,while china ** advocated by confucian**m and legal**m,morality and law,etiquette simultaneously,hardness and softness.therefore,the law making process at the beginning there will be a blank space waiting for moral fill.socrates believes that any person shall be an exception the rule of law system,so he can only be used to represent the death of the law to obey.in the confucian view,represents the moral propriety than perhaps represents the method of pun**hment ** important,so,he advocated that people shurei compliance,in compliance with the legal system allows the ceremony was a violation of law exceptions.

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