

芸豆 芸豆
  • liop444lx liop444lx

    my prayer
    dear god
    i know that she’s out there.the one i’m suppose
    to share my whole life with.
    and in time.you’ll show her to me.
    但是我相信,某个时候,你将会让我见到她。will you take care of her,comfort her,and protect her
    until that day we meet.
    and let her know.my heart.** beating with hers
    in a dream i hold you close embracing you with my hands
    you gazed at me with eyes full of love and made me understand
    that i was meant to share it with you my heart my mind my soul
    then i open my eyes and all i see reality shows i’m alone
    我真的愿意全心全意的和你分享一切,然而当我睁开眼睛,看到的却是我还是孤单一人。but i know someday that you’ll be by my side cause i know god’s
    just waiting till the time ** right
    但我知道总有一天你会出现在我身边,因为上帝只是在等待合适的时间让你出现。god will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm when the day’s cold
    will you keep her warm when darkness falls will you please shine her the way
    上帝你能不能让她平安,远离风暴;当天气寒冷,你能不能让她温暖;当夜幕降临时请照亮她的路!god will you let her know that i love her so when theres no one there that
    she’s not alone just close her eyes and let her know my heart ** beating with hers
    她也不会孤单;让她知道只要她闭上眼睛,她就会知道我的心为她存在。so i prayed until that day(prayed until that day)when our hearts will beat as one
    (when our hearts hearts will beat as one)i will wait so patiently
    (patiently)for that day to come(for that day to come)
    我祈祷那天能出现,我们感受到彼此的心在同时跳动。我会一直耐心的等待,只为这一天的来临。i know someday that you’ll be by my side cause i know god’s
    just waiting till the time ** right
    我知道总有一天你会出现在我身边,因为上帝只是在等待合适的时间让你出现。god will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm when the day’s cold
    will you keep her warm when darkness falls will you please
    shine her the way(shine he the way)
    上帝你能不能让她平安,远离风暴;当天气寒冷,你能不能让她温暖;当夜幕降临请照亮她的路。god will you let her know that i love her so when theres no one there that
    she’s’not alone just close her eyes and let her know my heart ** beating with hers
    上帝你能不能让她知道我如此爱她;让她知道即使世界上没有其他人,她也不会孤单;让她知道只要她闭上眼睛,她就会知道我的心为她 存在。** beating with hers(ooo)my heart ** beating with hers(oooo)
    it’s beating with hers
    god will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm when the day’s
    cold will you keep her warm when darkness falls will you please shine her the way
    上帝你能不能让她平安,远离风暴;当天气寒冷,你能不能让她温暖;当夜幕降临请照亮她的路。god will you let her know that i love her so when theres no one there that
    she’s not alone just close her eyes and let her know my heart ** beating with hers

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