

中华王皇帝 中华王皇帝
  • 妖孽张 妖孽张

    one day i went to watch the circus act in a park.a man who was walking on a tightrope attracted my attention.he walked easily from one end to the other as if he was just walking on the ground.and then he came back riding a one wheel bicycle.what surpr**ed me ** that,he also carried two other performers on h** shoulders!the crowd was amazed by h** extraordinary skills and clapped ardently after h** performance.
    five minites later,the man returned to give a repear performance.he rode the one wheel bicycle again and tried to do a hand-stand on it.however,suddenly he lost h** balance and fell off the bicycle!the crowd was scared and gasped.to every one's surpr**e,the man has managed to grab the tight-rope and also hold on to the bicycle!finally he climbed on the rope again and tode to the otherside.what a br**e man he was!




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