
墨栗 墨栗
  • 飞仔 飞仔

    my chinese dream
    d**tingu**hed guests,the esteemed panel of judges
    ladies and
    good morning.with great honor to stand here
    in front of
    my topic today ** my chinese dream.
    dreams!how nice do they sound.i am convinced it
    s no exaggeration to
    say that the significance of dreams can never be over-estimated.because
    it may inseparably associated with everyone here.everyone has h** own
    ideal and pursuit as well as h** own dream.however,there ** a dream
    which belongs to you and me,which ** filled up with thousands of
    s profound love,which ** called chinese dream.
    china ** witnessing great changes in 21
    century,and th** fact brought
    us to the realization that we can never stand by and do noting.why?because all the chinese people account for the brilliant future of china.
    because the chinese dream ** deep rooted in every chinese people
    there ** a famous martial arts actor who learned chinese kongfu since
    he was a little boy.with a dream to carry forward the martial arts,he
    struggled h** determination to devote h** whole life to fighting for the
    dream.finally,he succeed,but he also realized that he could do
    something for others.so,he founded a charity to help people as far as he
    can.h** name ** jet lee.he acts as a reminder that we do can combine do,and where you go.i
    m a college student in new era,and i
    m proud
    that i h**e a dream,an aspiration in my mind.and i will contribute to our
    country with my spirit of hard work,passion and courage.
    as everyone knows,making empty talk ** harmful,while doing practical
    jobs can help it thrive.so,no matter what dreams you h**e,no matter how
    many difficulties you will be faced with.go ahead,you should be
    hard-wo**ng and pers**tence to make your dream come true.
    40 years ago,when martin luther king fell down,h** words
    i h**e a
    spread across the world.similarity,there ** also a dream in china.
    it ** not a grandiose slogan,and it does not lie with the **.it
    belongs to every ordinary chinese,and that ** the chinese dream.
    dear friends,it ** time for us,the new generation now.we should use
    our hands to make our country and prosperous.let us work
    our own dream with the chinese dream,no matter who you are,what you




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