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    ways to prevent foot pain
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    nearly half of all americans suffer from foot pain at some point in their lives,says the american podiatric medical association.and summer,when people are apt to be active and away from home(and doctors),can be especially problematic.
    but there are ways to be nice to those tootsies.here are quick tips for preventing foot pain
    1.don't go barefoot
    th** ** the best advice i h**e,"says james w.brodsky,md,an orthoped**t and clinical professor of orthopedic surgery at the university of texas southwestern medical school at dallas."we see so many injordan shoesuries from going barefoot.even in that cool grass that feels so uggood can be a dangerous,cutting(mbt shoes)objordan shoesect.a second reason not to bare those dogs ** that you could h**e neuropathy from an unknown cause(even if you are not diabetic).you may not even know you h**e it.you could dash across the street barefoot,and even if it's hot enough to fry an egg out there,you wouldn't feel it.but you would get burned,leading to extreme foot pain."a lot of people don't know they h**e it(neuropathy)until they get an injordan shoesury,"brodsky says.
    diabetic people should never walk barefoot-even indoors,says brodsky,who ** president of the american orthopedic foot&ankle society.think of all the sharp toys and home improvement(embt shoesugg boots mbtoots)materials left on the floor,especially in summer.
    2.wear sensible shoes to prevent foot pain
    sandals that make you grip with your toes to keep them on may cause tendinit**,an inflammation of the tendons in the toes that ** a primary cause of foot pain,reid says.so get a shoe that attaches firmly.high heels,reid says,don't jordan shoesust put temporary pressure on the ball of the foot-they change the makeup of your foot."a 3-inch heel causes pressure seven times your body weight,"she explains."th** changes the pattern of(cushioning)fat on the bottom of your foot.th** can happen to women in their 20s."fortunately,the sandals(mbt shoes cheap)and platforms worn in summer tend to h**e a lower toe-to-heel height ratio,causing less foot pain."a platform ra**es the heel as well as the toe,"reid explains.
    summer ** a wonderful time for businesswomen,cheap emu boots,"says brodsky."they can wear open-toed shoes and give those pigg**h a breather.we see fewer complaints of painful hammertoes and bunions with emu shoeswomen wearing dressy sling backs and sandals.

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